A teaching dossier allows teachers to describe, in one succinct and cogent narrative, their beliefs, activities, and accomplishments as university educators.
The CTL provides teaching dossier support to instructors in the form of workshops, one-on-one consultations, and its annual Teaching Dossier Academy. The CTL accommodates doctoral students establishing their teaching identities, early-career faculty seeking to establish their teaching profiles, tenure-track teachers required to design or re-write their dossiers in preparation for formal evaluation procedures, instructors preparing materials for teaching award submissions, and teachers at all career stages who wish to enhance pedagogical practice through reflection and dialogue.
Since many of you are developing a teaching dossier for the first time, feel free to make an appointment to come by and review example dossiers. For additional links and resources, view the University of Windsor promotion and tenure candidate forms or our Teaching Dossier links and resources page.
For more information, contact Jessica Raffoul by email at jraffoul@uwindsor.ca or by phone at 519-253-3000, ext. 4829.
Teaching Dossier Academy
The Teaching Dossier Academy is designed to provide background information, workshops, peer consultation, and extensive expert individual consultation to support the development of participant’s professional teaching portfolios over a period of five days.
Download the TDA Resources and Worksheets PDF.
For more information on this event, or to register, visit the CTL Registration page.