Alleson Mason researches the challenges faced by Black students in Canadian schools and the ways communities are addressing these issues.
Alleson Mason researches the challenges faced by Black students in Canadian schools and the ways communities are addressing these issues.
The federal Canada Research Coordinating Committee has released a research training strategy.
Sociology professor Carlo Charles draws on his Haitian upbringing to explore the intersection of international migration, race, gender, and sexuality.
Are you a faculty researcher examining ways to dismantle barriers faced by equity-deserving groups in higher education? Do you have an idea for a bold, potentially game-changing proposal that could address barriers at the University of Windsor?
The Office of Research and Innovation Services seeks expressions of interest from faculty for being nominated for the Robbins-Ollivier Excellence in Equity Award. The award is valued at $100,000 and has a one-year duration.
Education professor Jean Kaya focuses his research on intercultural learning and literacy.
The official launch of the Black Scholars Institute is scheduled for Sept. 26.
Black Alumni Weekend, Sept. 20 to 22, offers an opportunity for grads to reconnect.