A series of 10 workshops will explore topics in research ethics.
A series of 10 workshops will explore topics in research ethics.
The Research Ethics Board reminds researchers of changes that affect the ethical treatment of research projects involving humans.
The campus community has until Feb. 15 to provide feedback on the draft Institutional Research Data Management Strategy.
In early 2022, the Research Ethics Board announced that effective Jan. 1, 2023, it will no longer accept pre-2022 TCPS2: CORE Certificates in order to be up-to-date with the latest recommendations from the Panel on Research Ethics.
The newest version of the Tri-Council Policy Statement 2: Course on Research Ethics (TCPS 2: CORE) was officially released at the beginning of last year, and in an effort to offer the research community adequate opportunity to take the new training, the REB set the due date for its completion for the following year of the CORE’s release.
The University of Windsor Research Ethics Board will continue to be available to researchers and study participants by email through the REB mailbox — ethics@uwindsor.ca — and by voicemail at the Office of Research Ethics 519-253-3000, ext. 3948.
Both the REB email and REB voicemail will be monitored daily, even if Office of Research Ethics is closed. The REB will continue to respond to requests to revise for active projects and review of unanticipated and adverse events submitted by e-mail.
The Student Research Collaboratory in Leddy Library is the site of Research Data Management Day on Tuesday, Nov. 26.