Distribution Services

Distribution Services office is located at Lambton/Erie Hall basement Room G127

Note the pickup/drop-off location (including student mail/parcels) will be in Room G106 in the basement of Lambton/Erie which is adjacent to the main office area for Distribution Services. If the door is closed there is a doorbell located next to the door. Students should NOT be dropping off anything to the old location at the Maintenance building, all interactions should be at our office below.

Student Pickup Smart-Lockers (for Residence Students) are located in the hallway on the first floor of Erie/Lambton near rooms 1118 and 1120. Therefore, the hours of operation of the lockers will coincide with the hours of Erie/Lambton. You will get an email notification with a QR Code for locker reservation pickups. Note, we will continue to have some in-person pickups from our office, and a separate email notification indicating this will be sent.

The office may be reached by calling 519-253-3000, extensions 2017, 2019, and 2016.

Email: distribution@uwindsor.ca 

Our general office hours are 8am – 4pm. However, due to the nature of our job we are on campus most of the day. If you need to visit the office, the ideal time is 1pm – 3:30pm during the week. You can always call or email us at any time and leave a message if we are on campus, we will respond as soon as we can.

Distribution Services Operation

Note: due to increased volume during the start of each semester and before/after holidays, there may be some delays in having the mail delivered or collection of outgoing mail to all departments. This will equally apply for the downtown locations. Should there be any time sensitive mail, outbound or expected deliveries, we request the departments to advise us at least a few days in advance.

All incoming mail is received from Canada Post Office at approximately 8:30am Monday through Friday. The mail is then sorted and delivered with the inter-office mail generally in the morning. Please note that all outgoing Canada Post and Courier items will need to be at our office before 1pm daily, Monday through Friday.

  • We no longer offer Canada Post Express Courier services.
  • Canada Post no longer accepts regular mail over 500 grams. Alternatively use any third party courier service to send it.
  • For Postage Rates, you can find them published on the  Canada Post - Postage Stamp Rates
  • All University of Windsor courier shipping accounts are maintained by and are property of the University of Windsor.  Personal shipments are prohibited. 
  • All departmental outgoing mail requires the department name on the envelopes going out.   Same day outgoing mail must be ready daily by 12:45pm.
  • Couriers do not accept PO Box addresses. Please ensure the full address is entered on all waybills.
  • Courier waybills are to be generated through the courier’s website. We are moving away from paper to an all digital format  .  See instructions with courier links to follow below.
  • All in bound and out bound mail/packages must include the shipper/receiving name, departmental name, and charge account number on it. For billing inquiries contact Accounts Payable at extensions 2120, 2123.
  • All courier services receipts are sent to Accounts Payable for processing.
  • For large mass mailing and envelope sealing, please notify Distribution Services approximately 2-4 days ahead of the pickup date.  Also ensure that all envelopes to be  sealed are facing the same direction for faster processing.
  • If you require “interoffice” envelopes and/or courier supplies, please contact Distribution staff.  
  • Bulk store orders require 1-2 days notice.

An inter-university mail service (correspondence only) to all Ontario university libraries is available through the Mailroom at no charge.

Mail is picked up daily, Monday to Friday at the Leddy Library, only if the amount of mail being forwarded to a particular institution warrants a shipment. IUTS mail should be bundled and appropriately labelled, along with other campus mail.

Please note that all mail must be sorted, bundled, and sealed in your department as follows:

  • Campus Mail (interoffice)
  • Canadian
  • U.S.A.
  • International

When addressing internal campus mail, please include:

  1. The name of the intended recipient
  2. Their faculty/department
  3. The building name and room number

Please use scotch tape to seal the envelopes and not staples.

If you have a large quantity of outgoing mail to be picked up (i.e. 4 or more bins), please call ext. 2017, 2016 or 2019 to arrange special pick-up.

The University of Windsor has preferred rates with the following courier services; Purolator, Federal Express, UPS, and Canada Post.

The below links will assist with login to our preferred courier accounts and prepare shipping documents. Please contact Distribution Services if you have any questions.

Pdf Instructions - How To Prepare A Courier Shipment And Waybill

All courier pick up times are set from 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm daily from our Shipping Dock. 

Export services are not facilitated by the University of Windsor.

FedEx, Purolator, and DHL offer export assistance for those shipping goods outside of Canada.  The contact information for these services can be found below:

Customs form for declaration for exporting must be attached for US and International courier.

For US and International Parcels, you must fill out a Customs Form Here.

For detailed information regarding importing and customs clearances, visit https://www.uwindsor.ca/finance/customs or contact customs@uwindsor.ca 

The departmental name and building must be included on all incoming shipments.

The departmental name and return address must be included on all outgoing mail.

3 copies of the commercial invoice will be required for all international packages.

US & International Orders Shipping/Delivery Information

International orders that cannot be shipped directly to campus can be shipped to the US warehouse. Contact customs@uwindsor.ca for warehouse details. All shipments from outside of Canada require specific documentation, details for which can be found here: https://www.uwindsor.ca/finance/customs

Dispose of used batteries and/or cartridge toners by bringing to the Chemical Control Centre for recycling located in Room B-37C Essex Hall. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Purolator has excellent rates for inter-Canada. UPS has good rates for USA, and international. DHL has good rates for all UAE and Arab countries.
Distribution cutoff time to drop off out going couriers to our office is at 1pm. We then transport all courier parcels to the Shipping Department. UPS pick-up time is approximately 12pm and all other courier’s collecting between 2pm - 3:30pm from the Shipping Department.
Distribution is generally on site 8:30am to 9am, 11:45am to 12:45pm, and 1pm to 3:30pm.

Tracking number is required to allow us to track it for you.  Canada Post delivers mail and packages daily to Distribution Dept.  All other couriers delivering daily to Shipping at 2601 union St. Ext.-2859

Resident Students – It takes time to process parcels delivered to campus before pickup by students.  Once student packages are received, we process them, then emails are sent out. (Please pick up your package after receiving the Distribution or automated locker email.  If you come before this time, they will not ready).

Shipping and Receiving  handles all department parcels from couriers as well as larger packages.  They can be reached at ext. 2859 or shipping@uwindsor.ca

This is for a related charge that needs to be processed between the recipient and the carrier before releasing the parcel. We cannot get it for you. It may be due to such things as Cash On Delivery, Import Fees, Customs Fees, etc. We cannot receive payment and get it for you, it must be done by you (bring the slip or a copy of it, and your government ID).

Canada Post notifies you of the amount and pick-up location for your package. All other couriers provide instructions on how to pay and then drops off the package at the pickup location/depot.