Dr. John Hartig

John Hartig standing at a podium in front of art depticting the Great lakes









Visiting Scholar
Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research

Phone: 519-253-3000 x 4864
Office:  GLIER 247 C
E-mail:  jhhartig@uwindsor.ca

News Story:  Institute's first grad returns as visiting scholar

Visit John Hartig's Website

Research Interests and Projects:

Currently leading a research project with the International Association for Great Lakes Research to evaluate what has been achieved and learned through 32 years of remedial action plans to restore Great Lakes Areas of Concern. http://iaglr.org/aoc/

Currently co-leading a research project with Dr. Jan Ciborowski titled the Detroit River-Western Lake Erie Indicator Project that is compiling and analyzing long-term trends for key indicators as part of an effort to perform a comprehensive and integrative assessment of ecosystem health. http://web2.uwindsor.ca/softs/keyindicators/index.htm


Ecological restoration

Transboundary conservaton

Strengthening science-policy linkages


Ph.D. 1985. Limnology, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada

M.S. 1977. Aquatic Biology, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, Michigan, USA

B.S. 1974. Biology, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, Michigan, USA

Academic Positions:

Fulbright Scholar, Balsillie School of International Affairs, 2017-2018

Refuge Manager, Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge, 2004-2018

River Navigator, Great Detroit American Heritage River Initiative, 1999-2004

Adjunct Professor, Wayne State University, 1992-2002

Environmental Scientist, International Joint Commission, 1985-1999


Google Scholar



Waterfront Porch: Reclaiming Detroit's Industrial Waterfront as a Gathering Place for All http://msupress.org/books/book/?id=50-1D0-4543#.XDz1-1xKjIU

Bringing Conservation to Cities: Lessons from Building the Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge http://msupress.org/books/book/?id=50-1D0-3F6D#.XDz2rVxKjIU

Burning Rivers: Revival of Four Urban-Industrial Rivers that Caught on Fire http://aehms.org/publications/ecovision/published-books/burning-rivers/

Honoring Our Detroit River, Caring for Our Home https://www.wsupress.wayne.edu/books/detail/honoring-our-detroit-river

Under RAPs: Toward Grassroots Ecological Democracy in the Great Lakes Basin https://www.amazon.com/Under-RAPs-Grassroots-Ecological-Democracy/dp/0472102583


Great Lakes Moment - Detroit Public Television https://www.greatlakesnow.org/2019/01/a-great-lakes-moment-from-john-hartig-11/

The Nature of Cities https://www.thenatureofcities.com/2017/12/06/transformation-great-lakes-pollution-hot-spots-gathering-places-people-wildlife/

America's Wild Read http://wildread.blogspot.com/search/label/Bringing%20Conservation%20to%20Cities

Center for Humans and Nature https://www.humansandnature.org/reconnecting-in-detroit-the-transformative-potential-of-citizen-science