OANL Sample Shipping Information

Contact Information:

Ken G. Drouillard
Head Organic Analytical Laboratory,
Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research (GLIER)
University of Windsor
401 Sunset Ave.
Windsor, ON, Canada, N9B 3P4
Tel: (519) 253-3000 ext. 4744
Fax: (519) 971-3616
E-mail: kgd@uwindsor.ca

Nargis Ismail
Lab Supervisor
Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research (GLIER)
University of Windsor
401 Sunset Ave., Windsor
Ontario, Canada N9B 3P4
Phone: (519)253-3000 ext. 3450
Fax: (519) 971-3616
E-mail: nargisi@uwindsor.ca

Ship to Address:


University of Windsor, GLIER
Attention - Ken Drouillard
2601 Union Street
Windsor, ON, Canada
N9B 3P4


Please contact before shipping to this address

University of Windsor, GLIER
Attention - Ken Drouillard
14300 Henn St.
Dearborne, MI, U.S.A