What is OPUS?
Your Part-Time Undergraduate Student Association
OPUS is the Organization of Part-time University Students, a student union comprised of volunteer part-time students who advocate on behalf of part-time students. OPUS was established in 1969 to provide a means for part-time students to have their voices heard on campus.
At OPUS, we believe that part-time students have different needs, concerns, and problems distinct from those of the rest of the undergraduate student body. These students work hard to balance their many responsibilities of home, family, work, and education.
OPUS attempts to help students cope with the additional pressure of studies and the adjustment to an academic environment.
A major goal of OPUS is to promote equitable access to quality academic, professional, and lifelong learning opportunities. Efforts to improve the experience of part-time students and to make them an integral and acknowledged part of the University of Windsor, is mandated by the OPUS Constitution and Bylaws.
To learn more about OPUS, click on the "About Us" tab on the top left corner above.
Unisex clothing
Size Available (M, L, XL, XXL)
Material: 100% Cotton
Color: Navy Blue
Note: The cost per t-shirt is $10 for an order that is picked up from our office. For delivery (within Canada), additional shipping charges will apply.
Please click here to complete your order!
Available Payment Modes
1. eTransfer amount to: opus@uwindsor.ca
2. Cheque payable to OPUS UWindsor
3. Cash
Click here to view the OPUS 2024-2025 HANDBOOK
Main Office:
Windsor, ON Canada N9B 3P4
Phone: (519) 253-3000 Ext. 3603