
About Us


The Organization of Part-time University Students (OPUS) is a student association that provides services and advocacy for the University of Windsor part-time undergraduate students.

OPUS has a long history on campus and was established in 1969 to provide a means for part-time students to have their voices heard on campus.

OPUS has a strong and participative presence on campus. We have also created a Strategic Plan to continue to build on the foundation that has already been laid.

(For more information, click on the image above)

Member of OPUS brochure

The OPUS Board of Directors consists of University of Windsor Part-time Undergraduate Student volunteers advocating on behalf of part-time students, protecting their rights, and making changes. Each member is elected to serve a two-year term. The Board of Directors meets monthly to discuss the main issues that affect part-time students. As a board member, they’re required to attend all OPUS board meetings, social events and serve on at least two committees at the University of Windsor. OPUS meetings and functions are usually held in the evening; however, committee meetings are usually held monthly during the day. They’re required to satisfy a minimum attendance score of 70% for all these meetings per semester.

If you are interested in becoming involved with OPUS, submit your cover letter and resume to