Programs & Services

Programs & Services

OPUS has a wide range of programs and services available to part-time undergraduate students including:



Greetings from the OPUS Board and Staff! As the new semester begins, we’d like to take the opportunity to welcome all new and returning UWindsor part-time and mature undergraduate students. We would especially like to inform you of all the amazing benefits you receive while being a member of OPUS. We welcome you to the University of Windsor with a smile and open arms.

The vision of OPUS is that all part-time and mature undergraduate students enjoy an engaging, fulfilling, and rewarding experience at the University of Windsor. We believe that part-time students have different needs and concerns from the rest of the undergraduate student body.

Member of OPUS brochure


OPUS services poster



Take a look at our 50th Promotional Video to view the services OPUS provides for you.

Get connected and stay connected with OPUS! Follow us on Twitter @OPUSUWINDSOR , Instagram @OPUSUWINDSOR and like us on Facebook @OPUSUWindsor. Contact us via email with any questions or concerns at

Thank you and please do not hesitate to contact us during our hours of operation,