Suggestion Box

Located inside and outside the OPUS office is a Question/Suggestion Box where part-time students can ask questions, provide comments or offer solutions.

The Board of Directors look at these questions/suggestions, discuss them and then offer solutions.

Students Questions/Suggestions

Students should have the right to know who their professors (TBA) are before classes begin. We pay a lot of money for school and the professor teaching the course is a big factor in selecting what course to take. It should be mandatory to have all professors known before the time-tables are available to students

  • If the students cannot find the professor’s name on the calendar, they can check with the department secretary for more recent information.
  • The registrar posts information online only when they receive it from the department secretary.
  • There is no existing deadline (e.g. before classes start) for the department secretary to let the registrar’s office know of the name of the professor.
  • OPUS will further look into areas where they can advocate on behalf of the students on this topic.

For students without contact telephone, can such students be allowed to give out Ext. 3603 (OPUS' main line)? Offer them the ability to have messages left with the OPUS office so they may give out the Ext. 3603.

  • As a result of the demanding nature of this task on our office administrators, the OPUS Board will only allow Ext. 3603 to be given out for emergencies only. If a student is left with no other options they are allowed to give the number for emergencies only.

The OPUS Office offers a relaxing atmosphere in the lounge area for socializing and meeting other students, with the exception of final exam periods when quiet study signs are posted.

  • OPUS feels that by making the lounge more social-friendly, it can create an atmosphere where students can relax and, get to know one another.
  • There are other areas on campus where students can go to have quiet study all year round. This Quiet Study Space which was newly renovated in summer 2011 is located on the 2nd floor of the CAW Student Centre. And of course, you can go to the Leddy Library.

Interactive learning environment, audio and visual, people can bring in their own headphones for TV, VCR and portable radio. Help in viewing and listening to educational material.

  • Students are more than welcome to bring in their own equipment for their own listening and viewing, however, OPUS is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
  • The OPUS Board believes that since there are resources available to all students in the library, there is no need for them to purchase or have such equipment in the office.

Garbage & Recycle Bin:

  • In order to keep the OPUS Lounge area from unintentional littering, the OPUS Board prefers the general use of the garbage bin in the kitchen area. Adherence to this policy will keep the OPUS Lounge more conducive for everyone.
  • OPUS finds that the garbage in the kitchen is sufficient as there is a possibility of food missing the garbage bin.
  • There are recycle bins placed in the kitchen and near the xerox machine in the office area for the recycling of paper only.

Computer and Wireless Internet Access:

Many students come in here with their laptops, to work on their projects, assignments, etc. Is there sufficient wireless internet access at OPUS?

  • OPUS has complete wireless internet access if students wish to use their laptops or other devices.

It would be very convenient and less disruptive if there was a printer accessible to use (and students provide their own paper) (either a printer station with a computer that can only be used to print off of or just a printer that can be attached to a lap top)

  • The OPUS office has installed additional computer terminals for student and board use.
  • These computers are equipped for printing, which is only 5 cents per page. These computers allow students to check their webmail, view their courses and print out their class notes and projects.

"Just wanted to let everyone who works here, you all are doing a great job...keep up the good work!! Your staff is awesome! You couldn’t ask for better help anywhere else"