Students enrolled in undergraduate and graduate programs in the School of the Environment may be eligible for academic scholarships. Eligibility for these awards varies and can be based on academic performance, financial need, program, or experiential learning opportunity.
Available now: 2025 ESRI Canada GIS Scholarship Award Program (Deadline: January 27, 2025)
Undergraduate Student Applicants
Undergraduate students can search an extensive database of scholarships and awards that is maintained by the Student Awards and Financial Aid Office. To search for scholarships and awards that are specific to your degree program, complete the Basic Information form available by selecting the appropriate options using the drop-down menus. Undergraduate students can easily apply for scholarships and awards by following the instructions on the site. Deadline application dates on this page are by month only - check the official application page for specific deadline dates.
Graduate Student Applicants
Graduate students can search an extensive array of internal and external scholarships, travel funds, and awards by accessing the Faculty of Graduate Studies Scholarships and Awards website.
Available Scholarships
Peter and Jean Sonnenfeld Award
3 awards available (undergraduate)
Eligibility: Awarded to full-time students in Year 2, 3 or 4 in the Faculty of Science, registered in the Environmental Sciences program or a related field. Based on academic achievement (minimum cumulative average of 76%) and proven financial need. Recipients must be Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents (includes those with Protected Persons status) who meet OSAP Ontario residency requirements.
Value: $5000.00
Deadline: February
TELUS Scholarship for the Betterment of the Environment
1 award available (undergraduate)
Eligibility: Awarded annually to a Year 4, full-time student registered in the Environmental Studies or Environmental Science program. Based on good academic standing (minimum cumulative average of 76%) and proven financial need. Candidates must be Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents (includes those with Protected Persons status) who meet Ontario Student Assistance Program Ontario residency requirements.
Value: $500.00
Deadline: February
Marie Sanderson Award
1 award available (undergraduate)
Eligibility: The award will be given to a graduating Environmental Science or Environmental Studies student. Student must be in good academic standing and have financial need. Preference will be given to a student pursuing a career in teaching with a Geography teachable. This award was established 2010 in honour of Dr. Marie Sanderson, a faculty member and scientist for twenty-three years, in the Geography department. Candidates must be Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents (includes those with Protected Persons status) in Ontario who meet Ontario Student Assistance Program Ontario residency requirements.
Value: $1200.00
Deadline: April
Windsor Family Credit Union Environmental Studies Scholarship
1 award available (undergraduate)
Eligibility: Awarded to a first-year student registered full-time in the Environmental Studies program, based on academic achievement (minimum cumulative average of 78%), proven financial need and citizenship. Candidates must be Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents (includes those with Protected Persons status) who meet OSAP Ontario residency requirements.
Value: $800.00
Deadline: March
Andrew Douglas Bowlby Scholarship in Earth & Environmental Sciences
1 award available (undergraduate)
Eligibility: Designated for a student entering their 2nd, 3rd or 4th year School of the Environment; awarded for academic excellence in courses relating to the Canadian environment and/or resource management. Minimum cumulative average of 72% required. Recipients must be Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents (including those with Protected Persons status).Established by Miss Bowlby in memory of her father Douglas, a longtime resident of the City of Windsor and conservationist.
Value: $500.00
Assigned automatically - no application required
Robert Kingsley Jull Memorial Scholarship
1 award available (undergraduate)
Eligibility: This award will support an upper year student with their costs associated with participation in field courses, field trips, field schools, study abroad or field-based short courses. This award is open to students with Canadian Citizenship. Permanent Resident or Protected Person status. A presentation by the successful student to the Jull Club membership highlighting the benefits may be required after completion of the field experience. A student may only receive the Robert Kingsley Jull Memorial Scholarship once. Established in memory of Dr. Robert Kingsley Jull by his friends and family, this award will support a student with their costs associated with the acquisition of field skills and knowledge that are borne by a student registered in a program offered by the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences.
Value: $2500.00
Deadline: April
Margo (Takacs) and Rowland Marshall Award in Environmental Science or Geoscience
1 award available (undergraduate)
Eligibility: Awarded to the year 4 student with the best thesis in the Honours Environmental Science or Environmental Geoscience program. Recipient must have a minimum cumulative average of 72%. Candidates are required to carry out an original research project under the supervision of a faculty member, and to write a thesis on their results.
Value: $750.00
Assigned automatically - no application required
Paul Ernest Vandall Memorial Award
1 award available (undergraduate)
Eligibility: Awarded to a student graduating from the Honours Environmental Studies program who has achieved the highest academic standing in their graduating year.
Value: $1000.00
Assigned automatically - no application required
Earth & Environmental Science Travel Fund
2 awards available (undergraduate)
Eligibility: The award is to be granted to a second, third or fourth year student enrolled in a program of the School of the Environment. The successful applicant will be selected in a competition established and conducted under the supervision of the Director of the School of the Environment. The successful second and third year applicants must be continuing as a School of the Environment student and intend to return to the University for the subsequent year of study in a designated School of the Environment program. Fourth year students are eligible for the award. Student must be in good standing. Applicants are required to apply for the award through the School of the Environment and submit the following information to evaluate and rank the applicants. Students must indicate their name, degree program, phone number, email address, attach a copy of their transcript, desired field-based experience and budget. The award will support student costs associated with ancillary fees for participation in study abroad or field-based short courses of the School of the Environment. Examples of opportunities includes, but are not limited to, Destination Science trips to Iceland, Costa Rica, Belize, Europe and China. This fund will not support the student costs associated with regular field schools. A presentation by the successful student to the Jull Club membership highlighting the benefits may be required after completion of the field experience. Two awards of approximately $1000 will be given per year. Each award will not exceed $1000. A student can receive the Earth and Environmental Travel Fund Award only once.
Value: up to $1000.00
Applicants are required to apply for the award through the School of the Environment and submit the following information to evaluate and rank the applicants. Students must indicate their name, degree program, phone number, email address, attach a copy of their transcript, desired field-based experience and budget.
Robert A. Temple Environmental Experience Scholarship Fund
6 awards available (undergraduate)
Eligibility: All undergraduate Environmental Studies and Science students who are currently in any year of study and who continue their studies at the University of Windsor in the School of the Environment in the following academic year are eligible to apply. Scholarships, up to $4,000 CDN, will be awarded for relevant international or domestic opportunities. A student can receive the Robert A. Temple Scholarship only once. Eligible Activities: Scholarships may be used for a variety of placements or other activities that provide students with experiential learning opportunities that are applicable to their academic pursuits at the University of Windsor, and their future career aspirations. The successful candidates will be responsible for identifying and securing placements or other activities, which will be subject to approval by the Director of the School of the Environment. Student initiative will be essential in identifying applicable opportunities. Candidates are particularly encouraged to pursue innovative experiential learning opportunities that will provide relevant and appropriate environmental knowledge and training, through which participating organizations (if any) will benefit from their contributions. Potential eligible activities include, but are not limited to, internships, study abroad, service learning, exchanges, field schools, field camps, short courses, and conferences. Depending on the cost and duration of individual activities, multiple opportunities may be considered under the condition that the activities are applicable, complementary, and the total cost of these activities will not exceed the time limit or value of the award. A list of potential activities will be maintained in the School of the Environment and will be provided to successful candidates to assist them in identifying relevant and appropriate opportunities.
Value: $4000.00
Assigned via special application to the School of the Environment (see below) - Deadline: November 15th
1. Placements will commence and be completed between May 1st and August 31st, unless alternate accommodations are approved beforehand by the School of the Environment.
2. Successful candidates will submit before September 30 following completion of their placement(s) an approximately 5-page written reflection that will provide a description of the experiential learning opportunity including, as appropriate, the candidate’s evaluation of the host organization (if any), description of the activities undertaken/completed, highlights of the experience, problems encountered and knowledge/experience gained, and suggestions for improving the experience in future. These reports will be made available as a resource to future scholarship awardees. Deadline: Applications must be submitted to the School of the Environment no later than 12:00pm on November 15th.
Applications shall consist of the following:
1. A cover page listing name, year, program of study, email address, mailing address and telephone number
2. A letter of application (1 pages maximum) describing the following: - The candidate’s interest in the Robert A. Temple Environmental Experience Scholarship Fund and reasons for applying (e.g., how the fund will provide a unique but otherwise unobtainable experiential learning opportunity); - How the program relates to the candidate’s future career goals; - The candidate’s relevant experience and academic course work; - Identification of at least two potential placements that the candidate would be interested in pursuing and the nature of the experience that the candidate might obtain.
3. Résumé (2 pages maximum).
4. Academic transcripts
5. The name, title, and contact information for two referees, who may be contacted.
Please contact the School of the Environment for more information.
Vera & Nicholas Sitar Memorial Award
1 award available (undergraduate)
Eligibility: Awarded annually to a full-time undergraduate student entering year 2, 3 or 4 in the Environmental Sciences or Civil and Environmental Engineering program, based on achievement of academic excellence in their previous year. Students must have a minimum cumulative average of 80% to be considered. It will be awarded to a student in the School of Environmental Science in even years, and to a student in Civil and Environmental Engineering in odd years. Candidates must be Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents (includes those with Protected Persons status). This award can not be combined with other merit-based awards.
Value: $2000.00
Assigned automatically - no application required
Conrad P. Gravenor Memorial Scholarship
1 award available (undergraduate)
Eligibility: An annual award to a student registered in Year 2 Science, for outstanding achievement in the Environmental Science courses ESCI-1100 and ESCI-1111, and for overall high performance in Year 1.
Value: $100.00
Assigned automatically - no application required
Earth Science Application for Sustainable Development
2 awards available (undergraduate)
Eligibility: Two awards granted to a full-time, 3rd or 4th year student enrolled in an Earth and Environmental Science program, pursuing a thesis and experiential learning opportunity in sustainable development. Preference to select one female and one male applicant each year. The successful applicant will be selected in a competition established and conducted by a committee under the supervision of the Head of the Department of Earth and Environmental Science. The successful applicant must be a current Earth and Environmental Science student and must be in good standing. Applicants must submit a 300 word summary and budget for their research. An interview may be required. Information regarding sustainable development can be found at:
Value: $1000.00
Deadline: April
JCG & Garn Mennell Scholarship
1 award available (undergraduate)
Eligibility: Awarded to a full-time undergraduate Year 3 or 4 student in the Faculty of Science who is pursuing research in environmental conservationism and planning to return to study next year. Preference will be given to a student that is pursuing a thesis with research object component. Candidates must be Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents (includes those with Protected Persons status) and in good academic standing.
Value: $2000.00
Deadline: January
Dr. Jill Crossman Environmental Research Scolarship
1 award available (graduate)
Eligibility: Awarded annually to a Master’s or PhD student in the School of the Environment or Environmental Science (GLIER) programs with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 80%. Candidates must be conducting research focusing on environmental science, with preference given to students concentrating on the areas of climate change, microplastics and/or hydrology. Submission of a transcript(s) and a 500-word abstract outlining the student’s research and the outcomes they hope to achieve.
Value: $1,500.00
Deadline: January
Undergraduate Student Applicants
Undergraduate students can search an extensive database of scholarships and awards that is maintained by the Student Awards and Financial Aid Office. To search for scholarships and awards that are specific to your degree program, complete the Basic Information form available by selecting the appropriate options using the drop-down menus. Undergraduate students can easily apply for scholarships and awards by following the instructions on the site.
Graduate Student Applicants
Graduate students can search an extensive array of internal and external scholarships, travel funds, and awards by accessing the Faculty of Graduate Studies Scholarships and Awards website.