Campus Alert: Leddy Library Hours Click here for more information.

Contact Us

For Emergencies only, call Special Constable Service at 4444 or 911 from any campus phone or if, using a cell phone, dial extension 4444 after the main university number-  (519) 253-3000

For General Inquiries dial ext. 1234

Several types of emergency phones are located throughout campus. Each main entrance to University Residence Buildings is equipped with a courtesy phone which has an emergency call button. All campus pay phones have a direct emergency button to Special Constable Service and to WalkSafe. Most campus elevators are similarly equipped. There are a number of emergency call boxes located inside buildings throughout the campus.

View the Campus Map

Other Campus Resources
Student Counselling Centre: (519) 253-3000 ext. 4616
Student Health Services: (519) 253-3000 ext. 7002
Student Accessibility Services: (519) 253-3000 ext. 6172

Other Area Police Services
Windsor Police Service: (519) 258-6111 (non-emergencies) 
Ontario Provincial Police, Essex Detachment: 1-888-310-1122
RCMP, Windsor Detachment: (519) 948-5289