Total courses: Forty-four
Major requirements:
School of Creative Arts, Visual Arts, Windsor
- VSAR-1050, VSAR-1070, VSAR-1080, VABE-1100 (6.0 credit course), VABE-1200 (6.0 credit course); one of VSAR-3830 or VSAR-3840;
- VSAR-4800 (6.0 credit course), VSAR-4810 (6.0 credit course), and VSAR-4910;
- VABE-2130, VSAR-3850;
- two additional 3000-level studio courses in the same subject area;
- plus MACS-1500, MACS-2140, MACS-2150, MACS-3910, and any one of: MACS-2500 or MACS-3520 or MACS-4520
- two other Art History courses, one of which has to be at the 4000-level;
- a successful VABE portfolio evaluation.*
School of Architecture, Detroit
- Professions: VABE-1190/ARCH1190, VABE-1290/ARCH1290 (each 1.5 credit courses)
- 4 Design Studio courses: VABE-2300/ARCH1300, VABE-2400/ARCH1400, VABE-3100/ARCH2100, VABE-3200/ARCH2200;
- Visual Communication: VABE-2110/ARCH 1211, VABE-2210/ARCH2110
- Construction: VABE-2150/ARCH2150, VABE-2250/ARCH2250
- Co-op Training Prep: VABE-3000/CEC-300 or VSAR-3800 Visual Arts Internship
Courses used to calculate the major average are: courses listed under requirements (a) to (b), and any courses taken in the major area(s) of study.
Option Requirements:
Five courses including
a) two Social Science courses
b) one Science course
c) two additional courses from Arts excluding Visual Arts
Those students seeking to pursue a B.Sc. in Architecture from the UDM after their third year are encouraged to consult the VABE Coordinator on what options are transferable.
Other Requirements:
GART-1500 and GART-1510; DRAM-2100, PHIL-1100, and MATH-1780 or MATH-1760
Portfolio Evaluation:
A successful portfolio evaluation is required. The portfolio evaluation takes place at the beginning of semester six, after the student has gained credit in VSAR-1050, VSAR-1070, VSAR-1080, MACS-1500, VABE-1100, VABE-1200, VABE-2300/ARCH1300, VABE-2400/ARCH1400, VABE-3100/ARCH2100, and is enrolled in VABE-3200/ARCH2200.
Updated: April 26, 2019