An Introduction to Summer 2021 Recruitment

Wednesday, March 4, 2020 - 12:00 to 13:00

Are you a Law I student who is interested in applying for any of the following Summer 2021 positions in your second year:

  • Summer 2021 positions in Calgary or Vancouver;
  • Summer 2021 positions in Ottawa (in general);
  • Summer 2021 positions in Ottawa (IP firms only);
  • Summer 2021 positions in London, ON;
  • Summer 2021 positions in Toronto; and
  • Summer 2021 positions with the Department of Justice or the Ministry of the Attorney General;

If so, please attend this session, which is intended to provide you with the required information to start preparing your Summer 2021 applications. Deadlines for applications for a Summer 2021 position in certain cities are as early as August 2020.

Location: Moot Court
