AI Committees

Generative AI Governance at the University of Windsor

The University of Windsor has created two parallel and complementary committees to provide strategic guidance on the use of generative AI across all aspects of the institution. The two committees provide advice on academic and operational excellence with respect to generative AI.

The Academic Policy Committee Subcommittee on Generative Artificial Intelligence

The APC sub-committee on generative AI is a cross-institutional, cross-disciplinary collaboration that aims to develop understanding and guidance about the academic, ethical, social, and environmental considerations for the use of generative AI in higher education. Generative AI is a transformational force, changing the way we teach, learn, research, create, and serve our communities. As an institution of higher learning, we have a responsibility to develop competencies in our students, staff, and faculty to enable them to safely and ethically harness the power of generative AI.

Objectives and goals for 2024/25

  • Facilitate cross-campus conversations on the implications of generative AI for the University of Windsor and higher education more broadly;  
  • Articulate potential benefits and challenges posed by AI for the University of Windsor community;  
  • Develop a core set of principles to inform university-wide guidelines on the use of generative AI in teaching, research, service, and operational activities at the University of Windsor; 
  • Seek broad consultation with the campus community on draft principles and guidelines for generative AI; 
  • Recommend revised (e.g., By-Law 31, Student Code of Conduct, Bylaws 54/55 - re: require on syllabus whether/how use AI) or new policies to the appropriate Senate committees and governance bodies at the University of Windsor;
  • Develop and launch a set of resources to help guide the campus community's use of Generative AI.

The committee meets bi-weekly to review and update advice for the campus community. 

APC Generative AI Sub-committee Membership

Co-chairs: Dr. Isabelle Barrette-Ng (Chair, APC and Department Chair, Integrative Biology) and Mr. Nick Baker (Director, Office of Open Learning)

Ms. Amangel Bhullar (Graduate Student, Department of Computer Science)

Mx. Meris Bray (Law Librarian)

Dr. Dave Bussiere (Faculty member, Odette School of Business)

Prof. Pascale Chapdelaine (Faculty member, Faculty of Law)

Mr. Dave Cormier (Learning Specialist, Office of Open Learning)

Dr. Ahmed Hamdi Sakr (Faculty member, Electrical and Computer Engineering)

Dr. Erika Kustra (Associate Vice-Provost, Academic)

Dr. Joanna Luft (Department Head, English and Creative Writing)

Mr. Russell Nahdee (Indigenous Learning Specialist, Office of Open Learning)

Mr. Marcin Pulcer (Associate Vice-President, Information Technology Services)

Ms. Jessica Raffoul (Director of the Centre for Teaching and Learning)

Dr. Jeffrey Rau (Faculty member, Department of Physics)

Mr. Walter Rischke  (Undergraduate Student, School of the Environment)

Dr. Camisha Sibblis (Director, Black Scholars Institute)

Mrs. RenĂ©e Wintermute (University Secretary)

Ms. Alison Zilli (Associate University Secretary)

Past members:

Mr. Brahmjot Singh (Graduate Student)


The Generative AI Operational Excellence Committee

The Generative AI Operational Excellence Committee is sponsored by the Vice-President, Operations and aims to support the responsible use of AI in operational practice across the university. More information about this committee will be available soon. 

Generative AI Operational Excellence Committee Membership

Chair: Mr. Marcin Pulcer (Associate Vice-President, Information Technology Services)

Ms. Shelby Askin-Hager (Legal Services)

Ms. Marcella Ciampa (Director, Organisational and Leadership Development)

Mr. Ana Jain (Procurement Manager)

Mr. Chris Lanoue (Project Manager for the Service Hub)

Ms. Kristen Morris (Executive Director, Experiential Learning

Mr. Tom Schnekenburger (Director, Research Partnership)