
#Instructors and Faculty





Instructors and Faculty

Government of Canada Guide to the Use of Generative AI

The Government of Canada has released pragmatic guidelines on the use of generative AI in government work that has many parallels for universities.

Educator Prompt Library

Ethan and Lilach Mollick have developed an extensive prompt library for educators for use in teaching and to support students learning about generative AI.

The AI Pedagogy Project at Harvard’s metaLAB

The AI Pedagogy Project provides a collection of resources that explore how AI impacts instructors and students.

JISC Generative AI Primer

Michael Webb from the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) in the UK provides an easy to read and frequently updated primer on generative AI.

UBC Faculty of Education AI Corner

The Learning Design and Digital Innovation group at UBC have developed a helpful set of resources and activities for understanding and exploring generative AI in education. The resources focus on the ethics of generative AI and literacy with these tools.

Leon Furze Gen AI blog

Leon Furze is a consultant and higher education instructor who focuses on AI in education. His work focuses on practical strategies for working with AI through a critical lens.

AI Snake Oil

Sayash Kapoor and Arvind Narayanan are the Princeton University AI researchers behind the AI Snake Oil newsletter, blog, and book. They provide an evidence-based approach to understanding what AI can and can’t do, debunking myths, and keeping AI vendors honest.

Critical View of Generative AI

Helen Beetham, consultant and Lecturer in Digital Education at the University of Manchester provides a critical lens for educational technologies and particularly generative AI in her imperfect offerings blog.

AI and Writing Education

Anna Mills teaches writing at the College of Marin in California and provides a wide range of open and crowd sourced resources on generative AI and teaching writing.

100+ Creative ideas to use AI in education

Chrissi Nerantzi and her colleagues started a project to crowd source 100+ creative ideas for how to use generative AI in education. The first volume of this openly licenced collection includes contributions from 19 countries around the world, with the ideas each presented on a single slide and outlining a pedagogical use of AI.  The team has recently released a second volume, Towards AI Literacy: 101+ creative and critical practices, perspectives, and purposes, released on Zenodo.

Exploring AI Pedagogy

The Exploring AI Pedagogy project has crowdsourced a collection of teaching reflections and resources on using AI in teaching. The space facilitates reflective discussions on AI experiments and exploration in the classroom and promotes open, collaborative inquiry into the impact and experience of using AI.

U15 Guidance on Navigating AI in Teaching and Learning

Released in September 2024, this guide provides a series of values, principles, and practices to guide the use of AI in teaching and learning in the Canadian higher education context. 

The MIT AI Risk Repository

A comprehensive living database of over 700 AI risks compiled by MIT researchers categorized by their cause and risk domain. 


Government of Canada Guide to the Use of Generative AI

The Government of Canada has released pragmatic guidelines on the use of generative AI in government work that has many parallels for universities.


Government of Canada Guide to the Use of Generative AI

The Government of Canada has released pragmatic guidelines on the use of generative AI in government work that has many parallels for universities.


Government of Canada Guide to the Use of Generative AI

The Government of Canada has released pragmatic guidelines on the use of generative AI in government work that has many parallels for universities.

The Foundation Model Transparency Index (FMTI)

The FMTI was created by Stanford University’s Centre for Research on Foundation Models as a way to provide an indication of the transparency of generative AI foundation models. The score uses over 100 transparency indicators to develop a score for each model, with higher scores indicating models that are more open.

The MIT AI Risk Repository

A comprehensive living database of over 700 AI risks compiled by MIT researchers categorized by their cause and risk domain. 

Accessible and Equitable Artificial Intelligence Systems - Technical Guide

Accessibility Standards Canada produced this informal technical guide based on recent research and recommendations for best practices with accessibility. The guide gives insight into the barriers faced by people with disabilities, and how to remove those barriers.