Amy Fitzgerald (Criminology)

Amy Fitzgerald

Dr. Fitzgerald's research is situated at the culture/nature nexus and focuses on the perpetration of harms (criminal and otherwise) by humans against the environment and nonhuman animals. She has interrogated this broad area of inquiry vis-à-vis several topical areas, including the coexistence of animal abuse and intimate partner violence; industrialized animal agriculture; sport hunting culture; the 'pet' food industry; the animal advocacy and environmental movements; animal cruelty laws and investigations; and environmentally-mediated human health risks.

Her work is interdisciplinary, although she draws from and contributes most specifically to the fields of green criminology, (critical) animal studies, environmental sociology, and gender studies.

For more about Amy, visit her web page at

Selected Works:

Coulter, K., Nicholls, B., & Fitzgerald, A. (2022). “Animal Protection: Organizational Constraints and Collaborative Opportunities.” Journal of Community Safety and Wellbeing, 7(1): 16-19.

Fitzgerald, Amy; Barrett, Betty; Stevenson, Rochelle; Fritz, Patti. (2021). Domestic violence and animal abuse In John Devaney; Caroline Bradbury-Jones; Stephanie Holt; Rebecca Macy; and Caroline Øverlien, (Eds.) Routledge Handbook of Domestic Violence and Abuse, Routledge.

Fitzgerald, Amy (In Progress). Gender and nonhuman animals. In Michael Long; Michael Lynch; and Paul Stretesky, (Eds.) Handbook of Inequality and the Environment.

Fitzgerald, Amy. (In Progress). Sociology and Animal Law. In Anne Peters; Kristen Stilt; and Saskia Stucki, (Eds.) Handbook of Global Animal Law, Oxford University Press.

Fitzgerald, Amy. (forthcoming) Social recognition of animals (ab)used in the context of intimate partner violence: A strategic avenue for broader socio-legal change?

Kalof, Linda; Fitzgerald, Amy. (In Press). The Animals Reader: The Essential Classic and Contemporary Writings, updated and expanded second edition, Routledge.

Tourangeau, Wesley; Fitzgerald, Amy. (In Press). Food crime and Green Criminology, Routledge International Handbook of Green Criminology, Second edition, Routledge.

Fitzgerald, Amy; Spencer, Dale. (2020). Governmentality and Environmental Rights: Regulatory Failure and the Volkswagen Emissions Fraud Case, Critical Criminology, 28, 43-63.

Fitzgerald, Amy; Barrett, Betty; Gray, Allison. (2020). The connection between animal abuse, emotional abuse, and financial abuse in intimate relationships: Evidence from a nationally representative sample of the general public, Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 

Gray, Allison; Barrett, Betty; Fitzgerald, Amy; Peirone, Amy. (2019). Fleeing with Fido: An Analysis of What Canadian Domestic Violence Shelters are Communicating via their Websites about Leaving an Abusive Relationship When Pets are Involved, Journal of Family Violence, 34(4), 287-298, 2019. 

Fitzgerald, Amy; Barrett, Betty; Stevenson, Rochelle; Cheung, Chi Ho. (2019). Animal maltreatment in the context of intimate partner violence: A manifestation of power and control?, Violence against Women.

Fitzgerald, Amy; Tourangeau, Wes. (2018). Crime versus harm in the transportation of animals: A closer look at Ontario's 'pig trial'. In Ronald Hinch and Allison Gray (Eds.) A Handbook of Food Crime: Immoral and Illegal Practices in the Food Industry and What to Do about Them. Policy Press.

Fitzgerald, Amy. (2018) Animal Advocacy and Environmentalism: Understanding and Bridging the Divide, Polity Press, Environmental Studies.

Barrett, Betty; Fitzgerald, Amy; Stevenson, Rochelle. (2018). Animal maltreatment as a risk marker of more frequent and severe forms of intimate partner violence, Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 35(23/24),

Taylor, Nik; Fitzgerald, Amy, (2018). Understanding animal (ab)use: Green criminological contributions, missed opportunities, and the way forward, Theoretical Criminology, 22, 402-425.

Chiles, Robert M.; Fitzgerald, Amy J. (2018). Why is meat so important in Western history and culture? A genealogical critique of biophysical and political-economic explanations, Agriculture and Human Values, 35, 1-17.

Barrett, Betty; Fitzgerald, Amy; Peirone, Amy; Stevenson, Rochelle; Cheung, Chi. (2018). Help-seeking among abused women with pets: Evidence from a Canadian sample, Violence and Victims, 33(4), 604-626.

Coulter, Kendra; Fitzgerald, Amy. (2018). The Compounding Feminization of Animal Cruelty Investigation Work and Its Multispecies Implications, Gender, Work, and Organizations.

Fitzgerald, Amy; Barrett, Betty; Shwom, Rachael; Stevenson, Rochelle; & Chernyak, Elena. (2016). Standardizing the Measurement of Animal Maltreatment in the Context of Intimate Partner Violence: Development of The Partner's Treatment of Animals Scale. Anthrozoos.

Fitzgerald, Amy; Stevenson, Rochelle; & Verbora, Antonio (2016). Examining Animal Abuse through a Sociological Lens: Theoretical and Empirical Developments. In Mary Brewster & Cassandra Reyes (Eds.) Animal cruelty: A multidisciplinary approach to understanding (2nd Ed). Carolina Academic Press.

Fitzgerald, Amy J. (2011). Doing Time in a Slaughterhouse: A critical review of the use of animals and inmates in prison labor programmes. Journal of Critical Animal Studies, 10, 12-46.

Fitzgerald, Amy. (2007). The 'Underdog' as 'Ideal Victim'? The Attribution of Victimhood in the 2007 Pet Food Recall. International Review of Victimology, 17(2), 131-157.

Fitzgerald, Amy J. (2010). A Social History of the Slaughterhouse: From Inception to Contemporary Implications. Human Ecology Review, 17(1), 58-69.

Fitzgerald, Amy J.; Kalof, Linda; Dietz, Thomas. (2009). Slaughterhouses and Increased Crime Rates: An Empirical Analysis of Spillover from 'The Jungle" into the Surrounding Community. Organization and Environment, 22, 158-184.

Fitzgerald, Amy, J. (2007). 'They Gave Me a Reason to Live': The Protective Effects of Companion Animals on the Suicidality of Abused Women. Humanity and Society, 31(4), 355-378.