Sarah May Lindsay

Sarah May Lindsay

Ms. Sarah May Lindsay is a doctoral candidate (ABD) in Sociology at McMaster University. Ms. Lindsay's research areas include human-nonhuman animal relations, human and nonhuman animal shelters, companion animals, nonhuman animal use and abuse (abolitionism), and speciesism. She works from the intersectional perspective of Critical Animal Studies, considering the social psychological intricacies of individuals and society. Ms. Lindsay's dissertation research surveys companion animal co-sheltering policies and practices at women's emergency shelters in Ontario, Canada.

Ms. Lindsay began her career with an honours BES in Environmental Studies from York University, and a MA in Critical Sociology from Brock University, receiving numerous academic awards and scholarships including the SSHRC Joseph-Armand Bombardier Master's Scholarship, three Ontario Graduate Scholarships, and, currently, the SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship.

Ms. Lindsay has presented her research on policies and conditions in companion animal shelters at various sociological meetings. Recent presentations include a report on her doctoral research findings at the Animals and Us policy conference at the University of Windsor and a roundtable position in the Social Psychology cluster of the ISA 2018 meeting. In 2019, Ms. Lindsay will present her doctoral research findings at the National Animal Welfare Conference in Montreal, and hold a panel position at the 2019 Popular Culture Association annual meeting in Washington, D.C. She is the co-editor of an upcoming special edition of the Canadian Journal of Disability Studies, which puts into conversation the sociological subfields of Critical Animal Studies and Critical Disability Studies. Upcoming publications include a book chapter on current and alternate companion animal shelters and co-habitation models; an article examining companion animal shelters as fields where struggle and experiential capital exchange occur; and a comparative content analysis of "inspirational" disabled companion animals in social media. Additionally, Ms. Lindsay is a co-organizer and administrator for the newly formed CSA Research Cluster: Animals in Society.


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