Allison Gray
Allison is a SSHRC postdoctoral fellow in the department of Geography and Environment at Western University, working with Dr. Tony Weis researching the socio-ecological role of plant-meat. This interest builds from her SSHRC-funded dissertation (supervised by Dr. Amy Fitzgerald) which analyzed perceptions of dietary-based environmental harm and its impact on willingness to consume plant-meat.
Allison focuses her studies in the worlds of Food Crime, Green Criminology, Consumerism, Vegan Criminology, Environmental Sociology, and Social Harm. She is also actively researching: Food as both environmental harm and as solutions to environmental harm; Intersection of violence against humans and animals; Consumer-based (food) activism; Governance of food choice; Corporatization of veganism and plant-meat.
Selected Works:
Gray, A. (forthcoming). When the animal-industrial complex grows... leaves? In A. Nocella, A. Bernatchez, & N. Poirier’s (Eds.) Emerging new voices in critical animal studies: Vegan studies for total liberation.
Gray, A. (TBA). ‘Milk actually comes from a cow’: Ontario dairy farmers’ reactions and interventions with milk consumption rifts as third-party alienation. Journal of Agrarian Change [under final review after minor revisions].
Gray, A., & Hinch, R. (Eds.). (2018). A handbook of food crime: Immoral and illegal practices in the food industry and what to do about them. Great Britain: Policy Press.
Gray, A. (2018). A food crime perspective. In A. Gray and R. Hinch’s (Eds.) The handbook of food crime: Immoral and illegal practices in the food industry and what to do about them (pp. 11-26). Great Britain: Policy Press.
Gray, A. (2018). Resistance to food crimes and the problem of the food police. In A. Gray and R. Hinch’s (Eds.) The handbook of food crime: Immoral and illegal practices in the food industry and what to do about them (pp. 403-419). Great Britain: Policy Press.
Ammar, N. H., & Gray, A. (2016) Islam and ecofeminism. In John Hart (Ed.) The companion to religion and ecology (pp. 301-314). West Sussex, U.K: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Gray, A., & Hinch, R. (2015). Agribusiness, government and food crime: A critical perspective. In R. Sollund (Ed.) Green harms and crimes (pp. 97-116). Basington: MacMillan.
Gray, A., Barrett, B., Fitzgerald, A., & Peirone, A. (2018). Fleeing with Fido: An analysis of what Canadian domestic violence shelters are communicating via their websites about leaving an abusive relationship when pets are involved. Journal of Family Violence.
Gray, A. (2018). Dueling the consumer-activist dualism: The consumption experiences of modern Food activists. Future of Food Journal, 5(3), p. 35-45.
Gray, A. (2016). Udder justice: The dairy cow’s experience of milk production regulations in Canada. Contemporary Justice Review, Special Issue: Animals, Justice & the Law, 19(2), p. 221-229.