Kendra Coulter

Kendra Coulter

Dr. Kendra Coulter is Professor in Management and Organizational Studies at Huron University College at Western University. She is a fellow of the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics, and a member of the Royal Society of Canada’s College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists, the Government of Ontario's Animal Welfare Advisory Table, the City of London's Animal Welfare Advisory Committee, and the Canadian Violence Link Coalition's Strategic Planning Committee. She is an award-winning author, frequent media commentator, and leading analyst of labour and public policy involving animals, including animal protection and cruelty investigations and prevention work.

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Selected Works:

Coulter, K. (forthcoming 2023). Defending Animals: Inside the Front Lines of Animal Protection. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Coulter, K., Nicholls, B., & Fitzgerald, A. (2022). “Animal Protection: Organizational Constraints and Collaborative Opportunities.” Journal of Community Safety and Wellbeing, 7(1): 16-19.

Coulter, K. (2022). “The Organization of Animal Protection Investigations and the Animal Harm Spectrum: Canadian Data, International Lessons.” Social Sciences, 11(1): 22-34.

Coulter, K. & Campbell, B. (2020). "Public Investment in Animal Protection Work: Data from Manitoba, Canada." Animals, 10(3): 515-525.

Coulter, K., Blattner, C., & Kymlicka, W. (2020). Animal Labour: A New Frontier for Interspecies Justice. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.

Coulter, K., & Fitzgerald, A. (2019). The Compounding Feminization of Animal Cruelty Investigation Work and Its Multispecies Implications. Gender, Work, and Organization 26(1): 288-302.

Coulter, K. (2019). Horses’ Labour and Work-lives: New Intellectual and Ethical Directions. In Equine Cultures in Transition: Ethical Questions. Edited by Jonna Bornemark, Petra Andersson, and Ulla Ekström von Essen. Milton Park: Routledge.

Coulter, K. (2018). Challenging Subjects: Towards Ethnographic Analyses of Animals. Journal for the Anthropology of North America, 21(2): 58-71.

Coulter, K. (2017). Towards Humane Jobs: Recognizing Gendered and Multispecies Intersections and Possibilities. In Climate Change and Gender in Rich Countries: Work, Public Policy and Action. Edited by Marjorie Griffin Cohen. Milton Park: Routledge. Pp. 167-182.

Coulter, K. (2016). Animals, Work, and the Promise of Interspecies Solidarity. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Coulter, K. (2016). Humane Jobs: A Political Economic Vision for Interspecies Solidarity and Multispecies Wellbeing. Politics and Animals, 2(1): 67-77.

Coulter, K. (2016). Beyond Human to Humane: A Multispecies Analysis of Care Work, Its Repression, and Its Potential. Studies in Social Justice, 10(2): 199-219.

Coulter, K. (2014). Herds and Hierarchies: Class, Nature, and the Social Construction of Horses in Equestrian Culture. Society and Animals, 22(2): 135-152.

Coulter, K. (2013). Horse Power: Gender, Work, and Wealth in Canadian Show Jumping.