Once you give your Page, Event or News Article a title, some content (text, images, file attachments) and select the Save button at the bottom of the screen the Drupal system will automatically create the webpage and give it a unique URL.
If there are only a few pages in your website keeping track of them will be no problem. However, there are many university sites that have hundreds of pages and finding the content you need to edit or update can be a challenge.
There are multiple ways to find site content:
- If the content was linked into the left-side main menu then clicking on that link will take you to that content.
- When content is saved the system shows a preview of the content and puts the URL in your browser toolbar in the format uwindsor.ca/sitename/node#/pagetitle. If you copied or have that address you can navigate directly to the content for editing.
- Select My Workbench in the black editing bar at the the top left of your browser. My Workbench contains a list of recent content and edits.
- Select Content in the black editing bar at the top of your browser. The Content listing page will open showing all the content for your site.
In the Content listing you can filter by content type, author, title and once you have found the content you want you can edit and delete directly from this screen. The Content listing is always in order of newest to oldest updates.