- BEng (Mechanical Engineering)
- PhD (Concordia University, Montreal)
Research Interests
- Fluid-structure interaction
- Bluff body aerodynamics
- Jets, spray and wakes
- Electronics cooling
- Motor cooling for electric vehicles
Professional Affiliations
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers
- International Association of Hydraulic Research
- Canadian Society of Civil Engineering
- CFD Society of Canada
Selected Publications
- Essel, E., Tachie, M., Balachandar, R., 2021, Time-resolved wake dynamics of finite wall-mounted circular cylinders submerged in a turbulent boundary layer, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, doi: 10.1017/jfm.2021.265, 40 pages. Published Online on 21 April 2021.
- Das, S; Balachandar, R.; Barron, R, 2022, Generation and characterization of fully developed state in open channel flow, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Volume 934, 10 March 2022 doi: 10.1017/jfm.2021.1133 Published Online on 19 January 2022.
- Das, S; Balachandar, R.; Barron, R, 2022, Effect of free surface perturbation on fully developed smooth open channel flow, Journal of Hydraulic Research, IAHR, Online Feb 2022,
- Aleyasin, S., Tachie, M and Balachandar, R., 2021, Characteristics of flow past elongated bluff bodies with underbody gaps due to varying inflow turbulence, Physics of Fluids, AIP, Online Published in December 2021, Paper highlighted as Editor’ pick.
- Shinneeb, M., Nasif, G. and Balachandar, R., 2021, Effect of the aspect ratio on the velocity field of a straight open channel flow, Physics of Fluids 33, 0805110, DOI:10.1063/5.0057343.
- Kang, N., Essel, E., Roussinova, V., and Balachandar, R., 2021, Effects of approach flow conditions on the unsteady three-dimensional wake structure of a square-back Ahmed body, Physical Review Fluids, 6, 034613, DOI:10.1103/PhysRevFluids.6.034613.
- Mosavati, M., Balachandar, R. and Barron, R. 2021, Characteristics of self-oscillating twin jets, Physics of Fluids, DOI: 10.1063/5.0033869
- Mahanand, M., Hanmaiahgari, P. R., Balachandar, R., 2021, On the turbulence characteristics in developed and developing rough narrow open channel flow, Journal of Hydro-environment Research,
- Devi, K., Hanmaiahgari, P, Balachandar, R. and Pu, J. H., 2021, Self-Preservation of Turbulence Statistics in the Wall-Wake Flow of a Bed-mounted Horizontal Pipe, Geophysical and Environmental Fluid Mechanics, Fluids (Accepted).
- Moradi, M., Sajjadi, M., Balachandar, R and Ilinca, A, 2021, Experimental analysis of multi-horizontal submerged jets energy dissipater, ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering,
- Devi, K., Hanmaiahgari, P., Balachandar, R., Pu, J. H., 2021, A comparative study between sand- and gravel-bed open channel flows in the wake region of a bed-mounted horizontal cylinder, Fluids, DOI: 10.3390/fluids6070239
- Shinneeb, M., Nsif, G. and Balachandar R., 2021, Computational Invesigation of the effect of the aspect ratio on secondary currents in open channels, Transactions on Engineering Sciences, WIT Press, Vol. 132, 49-59, doi:10.2495/MPF210051
- Sharma, S., Jesudhas, V., Balachandar, R., and Barron, R., 2019, Turbulence Structure of a Counter-flowing Wall Jet,Physics of Fluids 31, 025110,
Nasif, G., Balachandar, R., and Barron, R., 2019, Influence of Bed Proximity on the Three- Dimensional Characteristics of the Wake of a Sharp-Edged Bluff Body, Physics of Fluids 31, 025116 (2019);
Nasif, G., Balachandar, R., and Barron, R., 2018, Conjugate analysis of wall conduction effects on the thermal characteristics of impinging jets, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Elsevier, 116, 259-272.DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2017.09.034
Shinneeb, M., Balachandar, R and Zouhri, K., 2018,Effect of gap flow on the shallow wake of a sharp-edged bluff body - Coherent structures, Physics of Fluids, 30(6), 065107-065107-21.
Fukuda, K., Balachandar, R. and Barron, R., 2017, Development of vortex structures in the wake of a bluff body, Physics of Fluids, AIP, Vol. 29, Issue 12, doi:10.1063/1.5003114.
Heidari, M., Balachandar, R., Roussinova, V., and Barron, R., 2017, Characteristics of flow past a slender, emergent cylinder in shallow open channels, Physics of Fluids, 29(6), 065111,
Shademan, M., Balachandar, R., Roussinova, V. and Barron, R., 2016, Round impinging jets with relatively large standoff distance, Physics of Fluids, 28(7), 075107; doi: 10.1063/1.4955167.
Ghasemi, A., Roussinova, V., Barron, R. and Balachandar, R., 2016, Large eddy simulation of the near-field vortex dynamics in starting square jets transitioning into steady state, Physics of Fluids, 28 (8), 085104 (2016); doi: 10.1063/1.4961199.
Recent Industrial Projects
- Investigation of the role of external emissivity on the heat transfer characteristics and exhaust skin temperature (with Fiat Chrylser Inc. and OCE VIP-I)
- Design of thermal management system and assembly for next generation high performance SiC and GaN based EV motor drives, (MAGNA, collaborative project with Dr. Kar, Department of Electrical Engineering, OCE VIP-II)
- Predictive model for air dam deflection under aerodynamics loads (FCA Canada, collaborative project with Dr. Barron, OCE TalentEdge)
- Pollutant dispersion in the wake of a Ahmed bluff body (Collaborative project with ESTACA, France and MITACS)
- Optimizing the liquid cooling system for electric vehicle inverter (MAGNA, NSERC, OCE VIP-I)
- Investigation of engine coolant loop flow modelling from a system simulation perspective, (Fiat Chrysler Inc., OCE VIP-I)