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Registration - First Year Students


Check out this video playlist and/or these help pages for assistance on how to register for courses.    

Fall course lists are now available in your UWinsite Student portal. If you prefer, you can also browse a static .pdf version of the full fall timetable/course list.

Course descriptions and course pre-requisites can be found in the Undergraduate Calendar, organized by the department offering the course.   

A) You MUST register for the following three (3) required courses: 

GART-1500: Effective Writing I. 

This is required for all first-year students in FAHSS.  It is only offered in Fall semester. 

It’s a foundational course aimed at developing effective writing skills for communicating ideas in academic and other contexts. Topics may include grammar, paragraph writing conventions, academic learning, and critical thinking.  

FILM-1100: Film Production I.  

This is a required course for all BFA-Film Production students. It is only offered in Fall semester. It’s a study of the art and craft of film production through lectures and hands-on exercises. A survey of the stages of production, key artistic roles, and concepts of visualization and cinematic storytelling. 

FILM-1900: Film Business and Professional Practice I. 

This is a required course for all BFA-Film Production students. It is only offered in Fall semester. It’s a study and practice of behavioural skills such as active listening, conflict resolution, running effective meetings, addressing ethics, etc., relevant to the film industry. A team environment will be used as we study interpersonal dynamics as they relate to roles in film production. 

B) If you plan on taking five (5) total courses (a traditional full-time load), then you should register for two (2) additional courses: 

Pick any two (2) elective courses from Language, Science, or Social Science. Find a course that you think sounds interesting! Here are subjects to consider: 

  • Communications, Media and Film (CMAF-1010: Intro to Media and Society) 
  • History 
  • Political Science 
  • Psychology 
  • Sociology 
  • Women’s Studies 
  • Economics 
  • Biology 
  • Computer Science 
  • Earth and Environmental Science 
  • Physics 
  • French (you must have prerequisites) 
  • German 
  • Italian 
  • Latin 
  • Spanish 

Degree Requirements

Please refer to the 2022-23 Undergraduate Calendar.

Film Courses

Please refer to Page 266 of the 2022-23 Undergraduate Calendar for a complete list of FILM courses.

A full list of FILM courses is available on the BFA Film website.

A complete list of the Learning Outcomes for FILM courses.

Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is more than just plagiarism and cheating. It means centering your academic journey around the core values of honesty, respect, fairness, and responsibility. At the University of Windsor, we expect our students, faculty, and staff to contribute to a positive environment where academic integrity is upheld in all of our work.

The University of Windsor advocates for academic integrity through honesty, education, and enforcement. We aim to create a positive learning environment where individuals learn from the resources and ideas of others while generating their own thoughts and conclusions. We adopt a neutral administrative role when academic misconduct is alleged to have occurred.

We ensure that all members involved understand their rights and responsibilities under the Senate Bylaw 31: Academic Integrity and the Student Code of Conduct.


Please email (include your student number) to be directed to the appropriate person if you need academic advising.