Law panel to discuss working in climate action

The Cities and Climate Action Forum and the Transnational Environmental Law and Policy Clinic and will host a virtual panel discussion Wednesday, Nov. 25, featuring Windsor Law grads working in climate action.

The event will highlight alumni doing significant work in areas related to climate action and how a legal education can help to launch this career path. Panelists include Joshua Ginsberg (JD 2011), director of Ecojustice Environmental Law Clinic at the University of Ottawa; Talia Gordner (JD 2011), partner at McMillan LLP; Aadil Nathani (JD 2020), articling student with the City of Windsor and founder and treasurer of Green Ummah; and Tasha Stansbury (JD 2020), LLM candidate at the University of Ottawa.

According to the event organizers, as the impacts of climate change pose the greatest threat to future generations, climate mitigation needs to take place now in all levels of government, public and private industries, and communities. Everyone can play a part in making a difference and this panel event features Windsor Law alumni doing just that, each in their own ways.

“We hope this event will show students how a law degree can be used to lead and support climate action,” says law student organizer Valerie Tan. “Inspiring other students to get involved in climate action today is paramount.”

This event is open to the entire campus community, but advance registration is required.

Read this story on the DailyNews website.