Man working on laptop

Deliverables and Project Reports

Deliverables are progress reports, etc. sent to the sponsor by the researcher according to the schedule set out in a research agreement or the terms and conditions of the grant application.

There is an increasing demand from sponsors to be accountable for how their money is spent.  As a result, the number of sponsors requiring deliverables from researchers is also increasing. Many sponsors have made receipt of deliverables a pre-condition of advancing subsequent installments of research funding under the grant or contract.

According to the research administration procedure Roles and Responsibilities, Research Finance is responsible for invoicing sponsors, and the researcher is responsible for submitting all required reports and deliverables to the sponsor. Invoicing and deliverables should be in accordance with the terms and conditions of the agreement.

The Research Finance office is responsible for submitting Form 300s for Tri-Agency grants, which provide annual reporting for Tri-Agency grants. Researchers will receive a copy of their Form 300 from Research Finance ahead of the deadline, and are required to approve before the Form can be submitted. Form 300s which are manually prepared (e.g. sub-grants led by another institution) will be emailed to PIs in advance of the deadline, requesting final approval.

Typically, if payment of an invoice is subject to the sponsor receiving a deliverable, the sponsor does not pay the invoice until the deliverable is received.

In extreme circumstances, the sponsor could declare a breach of contract and refuse to pay the invoice. In these cases, it would be cancelled and the award reduced. If the research team had incurred expenses based on the unpaid invoice, the project would then become over-expended.

In the event of a problem, ORIS will work with the researcher, the Department Head, and the department administrator to find a solution.

If an invoice has not been paid due to the researcher/unit not fulfilling the terms of the agreement, the responsibility for the over-expenditure rests with the researcher. Should this be the case and the researcher is not able to cover the shortfall, it becomes the responsibility of the researcher's department to deal with this over-expenditure.

Occasionally, a dispute over which party is responsible may arise. When submitting a deliverable, researchers are advised to ensure adequate evidence exists (e.g., a courier chit, a copy of an e-mail, etc.) in case a sponsor claims not to have received it.