Student Conduct Process

If a student is suspected of violating any of the Residence Community Standard it will be documented by the Residence Life Staff member. Documentation will occur even if it is indicated by the Residence Life Staff member that they are giving you a warning.

Documentation is received by the Residence Life Coordinators and the Residence Life Team Lead who are responsible for determining the next step in the process which may include any of the following:

Community Resolution

A Community Resolution is a conversation between a student and a Resident Assistant about violating a Residence Community Standard which is then followed up by a written summary of the conversation. This method can be used for Level 1 and 2 offences if a student takes responsibility for their actions and determines a solution to rectify the situation. The RA will then document the conversation, including a summary of their conversation which will be shared with the student. The Residence Life Coordinator will make a final decision whether a Community Resolution is used or if the incident is handled through another aspect of the Conduct Process.


A Resident Assistant may indicate to a student that they are giving them a warning for a violation of a Level 1 Community Standard if they have not been found violating this Community Standard previously. This will be documented and a Residence Life Coordinator may determine that it is necessary to move the violation to another step within the Student Conduct process due to repetitive warnings or the severity of the violation.

Decision Letter Based on evidence in Documentation

The Residence Life Coordinator and/or Residence Life Team Lead may send out a decision letter without meeting with the student to discuss the incident in the following circumstances:

  • The incident is a Level 1 or 2 and the Student Conduct Board is not in session
  • The incident report provides clear information and a meeting is deemed unnecessary
  • The incident occurs during exams

For all circumstances a student may request a meeting to further discuss the incident if they are unhappy with the decision that has been made prior to submitting a formal request for an appeal. This meeting does not prevent a student from requesting an appeal.

Conduct Hearing with Student Conduct Board or Administrative Panel 

The student will be invited to attend a meeting of the Student Conduct Board (SCB) or the Administrative Panel (AP) and the Board/Panel will determine whether the student is responsible for the violation they are hearing based on input from the student, the Residence Life Staff and documentation submitted. The Board/Panel will then determine an appropriate sanction.

Administrative Panel is typically comprise of the Residence Life Team Lead, a professional staff member from the division of Student Experience and a student Leader.

The following process will occur:

  • Students will receive written notice, by email, of a conduct hearing a minimum of three days notice prior to the hearing. In some circumstances an AP will occur within less than three days, in which case a student will be notified by email and a hardcopy will be delivered to their room
  • If necessary, a student may be relocated and/or other restrictions may be put in place prior to the hearing
  • A closed hearing will be held and only those persons directly related to the incident will be permitted to attend. Residents being investigated by the SCB will be permitted to attend the entire hearing process provided they respect the process and adhere to the agenda
  • A redacted copy of the incident report will be provided at the hearing. A resident may request a copy up until 24 hours prior to the hearing in writing to the Student Conduct Board Coordinator (SCBC) or Residence Life Team Lead (RLTL)
  • Residents may bring any related witnesses to the hearing provided that 24 hours notice is given to the SCBC or the RLTL. Witnesses can provide their information in formal written form prior to the conduct hearing or can attend and speak in person
  • All residents and witnesses will be asked to leave the hearing and a sanctioning decision will be made based on the incident report and all information that is gathered through the hearing
  • Decisions of the hearing will be delivered via email to the resident

If another similar violation is documented prior to the conduct hearing the subsequent violation will be investigated in addition to the original violation but this may not be identified in writing prior to the hearing, depending on the time frame of the violation.

Any resident investigated by the SCB and/or AP may have their residence history presented for consideration during sanctioning. Sanctions are cumulative and progressive as violations occur and may progress throughout the academic year (contract period).

Conduct Meeting with Residence Life Coordinator, Residence Life Team Lead, or Student Conduct Board Coordinator 


The following process occurs:

  • The resident will receive an email requesting them to schedule a meeting to discuss the incident report and are expected to respond within 24 hours of receiving the request
  • The meeting will be an information gathering meeting where the student is provided with details from the incident report and will be asked to provide any information they feel the incident report is missing
  • Depending on the meeting, the decision may be shared, an education sanction may be completed and/or a decision will be made after the meeting
  • After the meeting the resident will receive a written decision letter by email detailing the decision any sanction requirements

If a resident chooses not to attend a meeting a decision will be made without the resident’s input. The resident may appeal the decision but no new information will be considered in the appeal decision as the resident had previously rejected the request to contribute to the Conduct Process.

If another violation is documented prior to the meeting the subsequent violation will be investigated in addition to the original violation but this may not be identified in writing prior to the meeting, depending on the time frame of the violation.

Incident Referred to Non-Academic Misconduct and/or Special Constable Services 

Incidents that are very serious in nature and/or violate the Criminal Code of Canada will be referred and a process outside of Residence Services will occur. During this process restrictions and/or other sanctions may be put in place by Housing and Residence Life.

 In the case of an exceptional circumstance (documented proof required), exceptions may be made to the timeline and/or process involved in the Residence Student Conduct Process.