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Undergraduate Seminar Series

The University of Windsor’s Department of Physics is pleased to sponsor the

2020/2021 Physics Undergraduate Seminar Series.

Everyone is welcome to participate in a Virtual Seminar Series for upper-level undergraduates who are interested in physics research.  Talks will be on Fridays from 4-5pm EST (1-2pm PST) from Nov 13, 2020-Feb 5, 2021. 

Registration is free, but required.  Register in advance for these seminars at the link below.  After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.   


Session 1: Nov 13-Dec 4, 2020
Register (URL: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIlduCsrjsuEt3bFdJs8I3lXllDZ6tJGdSK )

13-Nov  Skating on spin ice: A tour of frustrated magnetism and fractionalization 
20-Nov  Can ultrafast laser pulses make water magnetic? (Ultrafast pulse scattering by molecular clusters)
27-Nov  Healing Humanity One Spark at a Time: Diagnosing Bacterial Pathogens with Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
4-Dec   New physics in atomic Coulomb explosions following nuclear beta decay

Seminar are recorded and can be viewed on YouTube at any time by clicking on the title of the talk.

Session 2: Jan 8-Feb 5, 2021
Register (URL: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYrcuuqqj0oG9BhU0pOfPNDwnrQCz7hGicY )

8-Jan   Ultrafast and ultrasmall: manipulating individual electron motion
15-Jan  Affordable Magnetic Resonance: from Million-Dollar MRI to A Backpack Scanner
22-Jan  Neutrons for health and materials: New sources and opportunities
29-Jan  Laser nuclear-spin-polarization and its applications

For more information, contact: physics@uwindsor.ca

If you would like to LEARN MORE about research at UWindor Physics, please watch this YouTube video of faculty describing their research and students talking about their individual research experiences.

We look forward to seeing you at our seminars!