Dr. Ofelia Jianu

Dr. Ofelia Jianu

Associate Professor
Undergraduate Academic Advisor
519-253-3000 ext. 5943
Office: 2179 CEI


  • PhD, Mechanical Engineering, University of Ontario Institute of Technology
  • MSc, Control Engineering, Lakehead University
  • BEng, Mechanical Engineering, Lakehead University
  • Dipl. Mechanical Engineering Design, Centennial College

Research Interests

  • Transport phenomena in energy systems to improve their overall efficiency
  • Entropy and exergy-based methods to gain insight into multiphase flows with heat transfer
  • The unique features of the research involve the parallels between momentum, energy (i.e. heat), and mass transport with respect to entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics
  • Numerical and analytical modeling, design, and non-intrusive experimental methods

Professional Affiliations

  • PEng

Selected Publications

  • O.A. Jianu; M.A. Rosen. (2017). Exergy Based Approach to Noise Prevention in Wind Turbines. European Journal of Sustainable Development Research. 1(2).
  • O.A. Jianu; M. Lescisin; Z. Wang; M.A. Rosen; G.F. Naterer. (2016). X-RAY Diffraction Crystallization of Copper (II) Chloride for Improved Energy Utilization in Hydrogen Production. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 41(19): 7848-7853.
  • O.A. Jianu; D. Pandya; M.A. Rosen; G. F. Naterer. (2016). Life Cycle Assessment for Thermolysis and Electrolysis Integration in the Copper-Chlorine Cycle for Hydrogen Production. World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society Transactions on Environment and Development. 12: 261-267.
  • O.A. Jianu; Z. Wang; M.A. Rosen; G.F. Naterer. (2016). Experimental Investigation of Particle Dissolution Rates in Aqueous Solutions for Hydrogen Production. Heat and Mass Transfer. 52(10): 2067–2073.
  • O.A. Jianu; M.A. Rosen; G.F. Naterer; Z. Wang. (2015). Two-phase Bubble Flow and Convective Mass Transfer in Water Splitting Processes. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 40(11): 4047-4055.

