Final Oral Defense Guidelines for graduate programs and research students

  • Research students are advised to contact their graduate program office for guidance regarding scheduling the final oral defense of their dissertation/thesis/major paper/internship paper, and to ensure the defense notice is publicly announced by the student's department at least 8 days in advance of the targeted defense date as outlined below. In addition to the final oral defense, to complete their research requirement students must "deposit" their document with the Office of Graduate Studies following the 3-step deposit instructions.
  • Departments are to post public notice of the defense and send a copy of the posting to the Faculty of Graduate Studies (via email to at least 8 days in advance of the defense, as outlined below.

At the beginning of each term, the Faculty of Graduate Studies sets a grace period called "Phase I", to allow eligible research students to complete their final oral defense and deposit without having to register and pay tuition fees for that term, provided the rest of the degree requirements have already been completed in previous terms and that they meet the Phase I eligibility criteria.

Review all Fall graduation and Phase I relevant deadlines posted on the Important Dates webpage.

Students who complete the final oral defense or the deposit after the posted Phase I deadlines for this purpose must register in the current term in the dissertation/thesis/major paper/internship course. 

The following is a summary of the Faculty of Graduate Studies final oral defense requirements applicable to all programs. Students should contact their graduate program office for any additional defense requirements set by the program:

  • Before the defense, the candidate is to provide a copy of their document to all committee members:
    • At least two weeks prior to the oral defense date for Master’s thesis or major research paper.

    • At least four weeks prior to the oral defense date for Doctoral dissertations.

  • At least eight days in advance of the defense date public notice of the defense must be posted in the academic unit (e.g. on the departmental website) and a copy of the notice received in the Faculty of Graduate Studies from the department (via email to The department is to ensure that students defending after the Phase I defense deadline are registered for the term in which they are defending before their final oral defense is posted by the department. Review details about Phase I and registration requirements
  • The Chair of a PhD Defense will be procured from within the Faculty of Graduate Studies; the Chair will be a senior member of the Graduate Faculty from outside the program. The Chair will be named on the Notice of Defense. The Chair is non-voting.
  • The Chair of a Master's Thesis defense will be a member of graduate faculty who has not served on the candidate's Master's committee, and who is appointed by the Department Head at the time the defense is publicly announced. Review list of current Graduate Faculty members by program. The chair is non-voting.
  • The candidate will present the dissertation, thesis, or major paper at a public defense. Review the Defense Procedures Guidelines: Doctoral Master's.
  • The attendance requirements at final oral defenses are outlined in the Faculty of Graduate Studies Guidelines on attendance at major paper, thesis, and dissertation defenses".

The "Defense Procedures Guidelines" and the "Guidelines on Attendance at Major Paper, Thesis and Dissertation Defenses" are also available from the "Student Forms" webpage under 'Thesis and dissertation forms'.

The Doctoral Committee will be supplemented by an independent External Examiner at the final oral defense. As an expert in the field of research associated with that of the doctoral candidate, the External Examiner will evaluate the dissertation and will be present (either in person or by teleconference) at the defense. 

All forms related to the External Examiner are available on our Student Forms webpage under "Thesis and dissertation forms".

PhD Dissertation Submission and Defense Timeline Tracker:

For your planning purposes, we have provided a timeline tracker form for PhD Dissertation and Submission and Defense Timelines. If you require accessibility accommodations, please do not hesitate to contact the Faculty of Graduate Studies at

Please note that the timeline form is for personal use only and should not be returned to the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

The student is to obtain approval signatures from all committee members and complete the 3-step document submission ("deposit") with the Faculty of Graduate Studies. 

  • if students are targeting a specific deadline i.e. for graduation or Phase I completion, it is the student's responsibility to start the deposit within the posted deadline for this purpose, which may be prior to the oral defense - these deadlines are posted each term on the Important Dates webpage

The department is to submit to Graduate Studies an official report from the final oral defense specifying the final grade. Review instructions for departments about completing and submitting the defense grade Report Form.

Embargo / withholding request

A digital copy of the deposited document will be added as open access to the University of Windsor Scholarship@UWindsor digital insitutional repository as well as to ProQuest (theses and dissertations only). If the document needs to be withheld temporarily from the public for a variety of valid reasons (e.g. pending publication), at the time of depositing the candidate and their research supervisor(s) may request a period of withholding from circulation, as described in the deposit instructions under section titled "Request for withholding/embargo".