The regulations for Graduate Faculty designation are outlined in the Senate Policy on Graduate Faculty Designation.
To become designated as a Graduate Faculty member, a Graduate Faculty Application form must be completed.
Review a list of current graduate faculty members.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Possession of a PhD. or equivalent (another degree, formal training, experience).
- Scholarly or creative activity as demonstrated by refereed publication or its equivalent for the discipline of the field (performance of an artistic work, juried exhibition). A total of two such works are required over the preceding four-year period.
- A record of successful involvement in graduate teaching and/or supervision, or the prospect of such activities, typically over the preceding five years.
Full Graduate Faculty:
- Tenured or tenure-track, full-time faculty members and Professors Emeriti may be appointed as Full Graduate faculty provided they meet the eligibility criteria.
- Only members of the Full Graduate Faculty may solely supervise Graduate Student research.
- Only members of the Full Graduate Faculty may teach graduate courses, with exceptions being allowed upon the permission of the Faculty Dean.
Affiliate Graduate Faculty:
- Adjunct faculty, Limited-term Appointees and Ancillary Academic Staff may be appointed as Affiliate Graduate faculty provided they meet the eligibility criteria.
- The role of Adjunct faculty members (Community/Industry, Teaching Intensive Faculty, Sessional Lecturers) and Ancillary Academic Staff will be limited to participation on Master’s and Doctoral committees in the following capacities: co-supervisor; internal department reader; outside department reader.
- The role of Limited-term appointees will be limited to participation on Master’s committees only, and in the following capacities: co-supervisor; internal department reader; outside department reader.
Application Procedures:
Submissions for designation as Graduate Faculty may be made at any time using the Graduate Faculty Application form.
- Application by faculty members or recommendation by the AAU to an appropriate committee of the AAU (i.e. the Appointments or Graduate committees).
- Review by the AAU committee of applications received.
- Forwarding to Dean of Faculty by AAU committee of applications approved along with articulation of how criteria were applied.
- Review by committee of the Faculty and forwarding of approved applications with recommendations to the Executive Committee of the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
Graduate Faculty Members - by Faculty
- Argumentation Studies (PhD)
- Communication, Media and Film
- Creative Arts (School of)
- English
- History
- Philosophy
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Social Work
- Sociology and Criminology
Argumentation Studies PhD
Full Graduate Faculty:
- Bahdi, Reem - Faculty of Law
- Buchanan, Lori - Department of Psychology
- Crawford, Michael - Department of Biomedical Sciences
- Engle, Karen - School of Creative Arts
- Feldman, Greg - Department of Political Science
- Guarini, Marcello - Department of Philosophy
- Hansen, Hans - Department of Philosophy
- Jacobs, Laverne - Faculty of Law
- Kianieff, Muharem - Faculty of Law
- Kotowich, Bruce - School of Creative Arts
- Kustra, Erika - Department of Psychology
- Maltseva, Elena - Department of Political Science
- McMurphy, Suzanne - Department of Sociology And Criminology
- Miljan, Lydia - Department of Political Science
- Papador, Nicholas - School of Creative Arts
- Pender, Stephen - Department of English and Creative Writing
- Richez, Emmanuelle - Department of Political Science
- Rodney, Lee - School of Creative Arts
- Rossin, Antonio - Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures
- Schuelke-Leech, Beth-Anne - Department of Mechanical, Automotive and Materials Engineering
- Sheldon, Tess – Faculty of Law
- Tindale, Christopher - Department of Philosophy
- Venkatesh, Vasanthi - Faculty of Law
- Wittebols, James - Department of Political Science
- Xavier, Sujith - Faculty of Law
Affiliate Graduate Faculty:
- Boulos, Pierre – Faculty of Education (until June 30, 2025)
Communication, Media and Film
Full Graduate Faculty:
- Asquith, Kyle
- Brown, Brian A.
- Engle, Karen (cross-appointed)
- Manzerolle, Vincent
- Moir, Aidan
- Rodney, Lee (cross-appointed)
- Scatamburlo-D'Annibale, Valerie
- Stasko, Michael
- Virdi, Jyotika
Affiliate Graduate Faculty:
Lau, Ka Leung Tony - until June 30, 2025
School of Creative Arts
FMA= Film and Media Arts program
VA= Visual Arts program
Full Graduate Faculty:
- Bae, Sung Min - FMA
- Bick, Sally - FMA
- Engle, Karen - VA
- Heard, Catherine - VA
- Hector, Nicholas - FMA
- Kotowich, Bruce - FMA
- Lee, Brent - VA and FMA
- Nelson, Kim - FMA
- Papador, Nick - FMA
- Rodney, Lee - VA
- Stasko, Michael - FMA
- Torinus, Sigi – VA and FMA
- Willet, Jennifer - VA
Affiliate Graduate Faculty:
- Lau, Ka Leung Tony - until June 30, 2025 - FMA
- Meloche, Jaclyn - until June 30, 2026 - VA
- Sando, Julie - until June 30, 2024
- Séoane, José Hernandez
Full Graduate Faculty:
- Cabri, Louis
- Davison, Carol Margaret
- Dilworth, Thomas
- Douglass-Chin, Richard
- Holbrook, Susan
- Jacobs, Dale
- Jirgens, Karl
- Johnston, Mark
- Markotic, Nicole
- Muse, Sandra
- Pender, Stephen
- Quinsey, Katherine
Full Graduate Faculty:
- Burr, Christina
- Huffaker, Shauna
- Lazure, Guy
- Nelson, Robert
- Palmer, Steven
- Teasdale, Guillaume
- Wright, Miriam
Affiliate Status:
French, Gregg – until April 30, 2029
- Way, Peter (retired)
Full Graduate Faculty:
- Guarini, Marcello
- Hansen, Hans
- Neculau, Radu
- Noonan, Jeffrey
- Rose, Philip
- Tindale, Christopher
Affiliate Graduate Faculty:
- Boulos, Pierre until June 30, 2025
Political Science
Full Graduate Faculty:
- Amore, Roy
- Anderson, William
- Brooks, Stephen
- Callaghan, Geoffrey
- Collier, Cheryl
- Essex, Jamey
- Feldman, Gregory
- Lanoszka, Anna
- Maltseva, Elena
- Miljan, Lydia
- Najem, Tom
- Ovadia, Jesse
- Richez, Emmanuelle
- Richter, Andrew
- Soderlund, Walter
- Sutcliffe, John
- Wittebols, Jim
Affiliate Graduate Faculty:
- Major, Rebecca - until Dec. 31, 2026
Full Graduate Faculty:
- Abeare, Christopher
- Babb, Kimberley
- Biss, Renee
- Boroughs, Michael
- Boucher, Chantal
- Buchanan, Lori
- Casey, Joseph
- Chung-Yan, Gregory
- Cohen, Jerome
- Cramer, Kenneth
- Daros, Alexander
- Erdodi, Laszio
- Fritz, Patti
- Hakim-Larson, Julie
- Jackson, Dennis
- Jarry, Josee
- Kichler, Jessica
- Kuo, Ben
- Kustra, Erika
- Kwantes, Catherine
- LaBelle, Onawa
- Lafreniere, Kathryn
- Langton, Calvin
- Menard, Dana
- Menna, Rosanne
- Miller, Carlin
- Pascual-Leone, Antonio
- Rappaport, Lance
- Romero, Kristoffer
- Senn, Charlene
- Soucie, Kendall
- Singleton-Jackson, Jill
Affiliate Graduate Faculty:
- Freer, John - until June 30, 2024
- Jeffrey, Nicole – until June 30, 2026
- Ledgerwood, David - until June 30, 2024
Social Work
Full Graduate Faculty:
- Al-Saadi, Riham
- Ambrose-Miller, Wayne
- Bennett, Michael
- Carter, M. Irene
- Guta, Adrian
- Damianakis, Thecla
- Donnelly, Elizabeth
- Elkassem, Siham
- Gorey, Kevin
- Grant, Jill
- Habibov, Nazim
Kvarfordt, Connie
- Levin, Dana
- Lwin, Kristin
Moasun, Festus
- Mohanty, Jayashree
- Nikolova, Kristina
- Park, Wansoo
- Selmi, Patrick
- Stirbys, Cynthia
- Szechy, Kathryn
- Wright, Robin
- Yun, Sung Hyun
Affiliate Graduate Faculty:
- Angell, Brent
Sociology and Criminology
Full Graduate Faculty:
- Basok, Tanya
- Charles, Carlo Handy
- Datta, Ronjon Paul
- Delia Deckard, Natalie
- Fitzgerald, Amy
- George, Glynis
- Ku, Jane
- Lippert, Randy
- McMurphy, Suzanne
- Nakhaie, M. Reza
- Omorodion, Francisca
- Rudhramoorthy, Cheran
- Sibblis, Camisha
- Tourangeau, Wesley
Full Graduate Faculty:
- Aleks, Rachel
- Al-Hayale, Talal
- An, Yunbi
- Aneja, Yash
- Baki, Mohammed
- Bhandari, Gokul
- Bussière, David
- Elsaid, Eahab
- Fredette, Christopher
- Ganzin, Max
- Guo, Xiaolei
- Kerr, Gerry
- Lan, George
- Li, Wu (Kevin)
- Ma, Zhenzhong
- Mahajan , Ashish - until April 30, 2022.
- Mohebshahedin , Mahmood
- Ong, Audra
- Pandher, Gurupdesh
- Richardson, Alan
- Robson, Karen
- Samnani, Al- Karim
- Schlosser, Francine
- Snowdon, Anne
- Sterling, Maureen
- Ursel, Nancy
- Voyer, Peter
- Walker, Kent
- Zhong, Ligang
Affiliate Graduate Faculty:
- AbdulHussein, Ali
Full Graduate Faculty:
- Allen, Andrew
- Bakali, Naved
- Beckford, Clinton
- Cherian, Finney - until April 30, 2022
- Cobb, Cam
- Correa, Priscila
- Daniel, Yvette
- Egbo, Benedicta
- Ezeife, Anthony
- Glassford, Larry
- Greig, Christopher
- Holloway, Susan
- Jaber, Lindsey
Kaya, Jean
- Martinovic, Dragana
- Montgomery, Kenneth
- Oloo, James
- Parker, Lana
- Rideout, Glenn
- Salinitri, Geri
- Sefton, Terry Gay
- Smith, Clayton
- Smith Kara
- Stanley, Darren
- Stewart, Bonnie
- Vanderkooy, Christine
- Vanner, Catherine
- Xu, Shijing
- Zhang, Zuochen
- Zhou, Guoqiang
Affiliate Graduate Faculty:
- Butt, Mahreen Nasir – until March 30, 2026
- Elkord, Nesreen – until June 30, 2027
- Freer, John - until June 30, 2026
- Kustra, Erika - until June 30, 2025
- Sirek, Danielle - until June 30, 2026
- Tabrizi, Sirous - until June 30, 2027
- Wiebe, Natasha - until June 30, 2025
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Mechanical, Automotive and Materials Engineering
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Civ = Civil Engineering Programs
Env = Environmental Engineering Programs
Full Graduate Faculty:
- Adeyemi, Adesina (Civ)
- Asfour, Abdui-Fattah (Env)
- Balachandar, Ram (Civ)
- Biswas, Niharendu (Env)
- Bolisetti,Tirupati (Civ)
- Das, Sreekanta (Civ)
- Carriveau, Rupp (Civ)
- Cheng, Shaohong (Civ)
- Ghrib, Faouzi (Civ)
- Henshaw, Paul (Env)
- Kim, Yong Hoon (Civ)
- Lalman, Jerald (Env)
- Lee, Chris (Civ)
- Maoh, Hanna (Civ)
- Oyeyi, Abimbola Grace (Civ)
- Ruparathna, Rajeev (Civ)
- Seth, Rajesh (Env)
- Tam, Edwin (Env)
- Van Engelen, Niel (Civ)
- Xu, Xiaohong (Env)
Affiliate Graduate Faculty:
- Ghaednia, Hossein (Civ) – until Sept. 30, 2026
- Jasim, Saad (Env.) - until April 30, 2026
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Full Graduate Faculty:
- Abdel-Raheem, Esam
- Ahmadi, Majid
- Azzouz, Maher
- Balasingam, Balakumar
- Emadi, Arezoo
- Chen, Xiang
- Chen, Chunhong
- Chowdhury, Sazzadur
- Erfani, Shervin
- Kar, Narayan
- Khalid, Mohammed
- Kwan, H.K. (Peter)
- Maev, Roman - cross-appointed
- Mirhassani, Mitra
- Muscedere, Roberto
- Sakr, Ahmed Hamdi
- Saif, Mehrdad
- Shahrrava, Behnam
- Tepe, Kemal
- Viana, Caniggia
- Wu, Huapeng
- Wu, Jonathan
- Zhang, Ning
Affiliate Graduate Faculty:
- Ahmadi, Arash - until June 30, 2026
- Anderson, William - until June 30, 2021 -cross-appointed
- Awad, Ahmed – until June 30, 2027
- Biondi, Francesco – until June 30, 2021 - cross-appointed
- Hassanzadeh, Mohammad - until June 30, 2026
- Iyer, Lakshmi Varaha - until Dec. 31, 2026
Li, Ze – until June 30, 2027
- Nazri, Gholam-Abbas - until Aug. 31, 2023
- Rashidzadeh, Rashid – until September 30, 2026
- Razavi-Far, Roozbeh
- Zhou, Bill - until May 31, 2023 - cross-appointed
Mechanical, Automotive and Materials Engineering
Full Graduate Faculty:
Mech= Mechanical Engineering programs
Mat= Materials Engineering programs
Ind= MASc Industrial Engineering and PhD Industrial & Manufacturing Systems Engineering programs
- Abdul-Kader, Walid (Mech/Ind)
- Ahamed, Mohammed Jalal
- Alpas, Ahmet (Mech/Mat)
- Altenhof, William (Mech/Mat)
- Azab, Ahmed (Mech/Ind)
- Baki, Fazle - cross-appointed (Ind) - until December 31, 2029
- Balachandar, Ram - cross-appointed – until December 31, 2026
- Bowers, Randy (Mat) - until April 30, 2022
- Bruck, Lucas
- Caron, Richard (IMSE PhD) - cross-appointed (perpetuity)
- Cherniaev, Aleksandr (Mech)
- Defoe, Jeffrey (Mech)
- Eaves, Nicholas (Mat/Mech)
- Edrisy, Afsaneh (Mat/Mech)
- ElMaraghy, Hoda (Ind)
- ElMaraghy, Waguih (Mech/Ind)
- Fartaj, Amir (Mech)
- Green, Daniel (Mech/Mat)
- Hu, Henry (Mat)
- Jianu, Ofelia (Mech)
- Johrendt, Jennifer (Mech)
- Kim, Eunsik (Mech/Ind)
- Lashkari, Reza (Ind)
- Minaker, Bruce (Mech)
- Nie, Xueyuan (Mat)
- Northwood, Derek (Mat)
- Novak, Colin (Mech)
- Oriet, Leo (Mech/Ind)
- Pasek, Zbigniew (Ind)
- Pini, Matteo (Mech)
- Rahimi, Afshin (Mech)
- Rankin, Gary (Mech)
- Reader, Graham (Mech)
- Riahi, Reza (Mat/Mech)
- Roussinova, Vesselina (Mech)
- Schuelke-Leech, Beth-Anne (Mech/Ind)
- Sobiesiak, Andrzej (Mech)
- Stoilov, Vesselin (Mech/Mat)
- Tam, Edwin (Mech) - cross-appointed (perpetuity)
- Ting, David (Mech)
- Urbanic, Jill (Mech/Ind)
- Wang, Hunglin (Michael) (Mech/Ind)
- Zamani, Nader (Mech)
- Zhang, Guoqing (Mech/Ind)
- Zheng, Ming (Mech)
- Zhou, Biao (Mech)
Affiliate Graduate Faculty:
- Acar, Canan (Mech) - until December 31, 2027
- Alami, Darwish (Ind) - until March 31, 2026
- Alirezaee, Shahpour (Mech)
- Barron, Ronald (Mech)- until June 30, 2027
- Damodaran, Vijay (Mech) - until July 31, 2026
- Etemadi, Majed (Mech) - until July 31, 2026
- Han, Xiaoye (Mech) - until December 31, 2022
- Kabir, Golam (Ind) – until December 31, 2021
- Miller-Branovacki, Lindsay (Mech/Ind) - until August 31, 2024
- Naderi, Bahman (Mech)- until April 30, 2022
- Nasif, Ghassan (Mech) - until Aug. 31, 2027
- Olivares Aguila, Jessica (Ind) – until June 30, 2025
- Stagner, Jacqueline (Mech/Ind) - until June 20, 2029
- Tjong, Jimi (Mech)- until October 31, 2021
- Yu, Xiao (Mech)- until July 31, 2026
Full Graduate Faculty:
- Andrews, Dave
- Azar, Nadia
- Bain, Anthony
- Biondi, Francesco
- Cort, Joel
- Chandler, Krista
- Dixon, Jess C.
- Eddy, Terence
- Gee, Sarah
- Greenham, Craig
- Horton, Sean
- Johnson, Shanthi
- Krause, Matthew
- Loughead, Todd
- Martyn, Scott
- McGowan, Cheri
- Millar, Patricia (Patti)
- Milne, Kevin
- Morrison, Kristen
- Paraschak, Victoria
- Perrotta, Andrew
- Rohr, Linda
- Scharoun, Sara
- van Wyk, Paula
- Weir, Patti
- Woodruff, Sarah
Full Graduate Faculty:
- Crawley, Jamie
- Cruz, Edward
- de Witt, Lorna
- Fox, Susan
- Freeman, Michelle
- Freeman, Laurie
- Giannotti, Natalie
- Gyamfi, Sebastian
- Kane, Debbie
- Kennedy, Kelly
- Mirza, Noeman
- Morrell, Sherry
- Patrick, Linda
- Pittman, Gina
- Pfaff, Kathryn
- Rajacich, Dale
- Ralph, Jody
- Sheppard-LeMoine, Debbie
- Simanovski, Jane
- Tanlaka, Eric
- Tay, Joanne
Full Graduate Faculty:
- Aoun, Wissam
- Bahdi, Reem
- Berryman, Jeffrey
- Chapdelaine, Pascale
- Hammoudi, Ali
- Irish, Maureen
- Jacobs, Beverly
- Jacobs, Laverne
- Kalajdzic, Jasminka
- Kianieff, Muharem
- Moon, Richard
- Mummé, Claire
- Ocheje, Paul
- Semple, Noel
- Sheldon, C. Tess
- Smit, Anneke
- Smyth, Gemma
- Tanovich, David
- Tawfik, Myra
- Venkatesh, Vasanthi
- Waters, Christopher
- Wharton, Sara
- Xavier, Sujith
- Biological Sciences
- Chemistry and Biochemistry
- Computer Science
- Earth Sciences
- Economics
- Environmental Science
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Physics
Biological Sciences graduate programs
Full Graduate Faculty:
- Bain, Anthony - cross-appointed (until February 13, 2027)
- Buchanan, Lori - cross-appointed (until January 2027)
- Crawford, Michael J.
- Crosby, William L.
- Dason, Jeffrey
- DeVeale, Brian
- Doucet, Stéphanie
- Febria, Catherine
- Haffner, G. Douglas
- Heath, Daniel
- Higgs, Dennis M.
- Hubberstey, Andrew V.
- Hudson, John W.
- Hussey, Nigel
- Karpowicz, Phillip
- Love, Oliver P.
- Mennill, Daniel
- Pitcher, Trevor E.l
- Porter, Lisa A.
- Rahim, Mir Munir
- Semeniuk, Christina A.D.
- Sharma, Vijendra
- Swan, Andrew
- ter Hofstede, Hannah
- VanLaerhoven, Sherah
- Zhang, Huiming
- Zielinski, Barbara
Affiliate Graduate Faculty:
- Fidalgo da Silva, Elizabeth – until February 28, 2026
- Cavallo-Medved, Dora
- Hennin, Holly - until January 31, 2026
- Kozarova, Anna – until June 30, 2026
- Pollett, Ingrid - until Dec. 31, 2027
- Turko, Andy – until February 28, 2027
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Full Graduate Faculty:
- Ananvoranich, Sirinart
- Carmichael, Tricia B.
- Drover, Marcus
- Eichhorn, S. Holger
- Forbes, Shari
- Gauld, James W.
- Green, James R.
- Harroun, Scott
- Johnson Samuel A.
- Loeb, Stephen J.
- Marquardt, Drew
- Mundle, Scott
- Mutus, Bulent
- Ng, Kenneth
- Pandey, Siyaram
- Rondeau-Gagné, Simon
- Rawson, Jeremy M.
- Taylor, Keith E.
- Tong, Yufeng
- Trant, John
- Vacratsis, Panayiotis, O.
- Vukotic, Vedran (Nick)
- Wang, Jichang
Affiliate Graduate Faculty:
- Amtul, Zareen
- Chandrasekera, Charu – until December 31, 2026
- Schurko, Rob - until August 31, 2022
Computer Science
Full Graduate Faculty:
- Ahmad, Imran
- Alhadidi, Dima
- Asaduzzaman, Muhammad
- Bandyopadhyay, Subir (emeritus)
- Biniaz, Ahmad
- Boufama, Boubakeur
- Bright, Curtis
- Chen, Xiao, Jun (Jessica)
- Ezeife, Christie, H.
- Fani, Hossein
- Frost, Richard (emeritus)
- Gras, Robin
- Jaekel, Arunita
- Kobti, Ziad
- Lu, Jianguo
- Moradian Zadeh, Pooya
- Mukhopadhyay, Asish
- Ngom, Alioune
- Rueda, Luis
- Saad Ahmed, Sherif
- Saini, Ikjot
- Samet, Saeed
- Tsin, Yung H. (Peter)
- Wu, Dan
- Yuan, Xiaobu
Affiliate Graduate Faculty:
- Afshar, Majid- until November 30, 2024
- Assaf, Hussein – until Feb. 28, 2027
- Bose, Prosenjit - until Sept. 2025
- Kargar, Mehdi - until November 30, 2026
- Khan, Naimul Mefraz - until February 28, 2027
- Ksantini, Riadh - until November 30, 2026
- Mamun, Mohammad – until November 30, 2025
- Mir, Usama – until June 30, 2025
- Rahman, Md Zamilur – until September 30, 2024
- Salem, Mohammed Abdel-Megeed - until April 30, 2027
Earth Sciences
Full Graduate Faculty:
- Al-Aasm, Ihsan
- Cioppa, Maria
- Drouillard, Ken G.
- Fisk, Aaron
- Gagnon, Joel
- Gordon, Robert
- Karim, Malik
- MacIsaac, Hugh J.
- McKay, Robert Michael
- Mundle, Scott - cross-appointed until January 31, 2025
- Polat, Ali
- Proctor, Cameron
- Saber, Ali
- Samson, Iain
- Trenhaile, Alan
- Weisener, Christopher
Yang, Jianwen
Affiliate Graduate Faculty:
- Houser, Christopher - until June 30, 2028
Full Graduate Faculty:
- Arbex, Marcelo
- Li, Dingding
- Rhee, Hyuk-jae
- Suh, Sang-Chul
- Trudeau, Christian
- Turdaliev, Nurlan
- Wang, YunTong
- Zhang, Yahong
Environmental Science
Full Graduate Faculty:
- Drouillard, Ken
- Fisk, Aaron
- Fryer, Brian
- Gagnon, Joel - hybrid appointment until June 30, 2029
- Haffner, Doug
- Heath, Daniel
- Love, Oliver
- MacIsaac, Hugh
- McKay, Robert Michael
- Mundle, Scott
- Pitcher, Trevor
- Saber, Ali
- Semeniuk, Christina
- Weisener, Christopher
- Zielinski, Barbara
Affiliate Graduate Faculty:
- Droppo, Ian – until June 30, 2027
- Morris, Todd - until December 31, 2027
- Phillips, Lori – until Feb. 28, 2027
- Pope, James - until June 30, 2027
- Stammler, Katie - until Sept. 30, 2027
Mathematics and Statistics
Full Graduate Faculty:
- Alfakih, Abdo Y.
- Barron, Ronald
- Belalia, Mohamed
- Borisov, Dennis
- Caron, Richard J.
- Granville, Kevin
- Hlynka, Myron
- Hu, Zhiguo - until April 30, 2022
- Hussein, Abdulkadir
- Monfared-Sangani, Mehdi
- Nkurunziza, Sévérien
- Paul, Sudhir R
- Shapiro, Ilya
- Timko, Edward
- Yang, Dilian
- Yee, Wai Ling
- Zahariuc, Adrian
Affiliate Graduate Faculty:
- Ahmed, Ejaz - until June 30, 2027
- Brill, Percy - until Dec. 31, 2025
Full Graduate Faculty:
- Drake, Gordon W.F.
- Hammond, Thomas J.
- Licciardi, Caio
- Maev, Roman G.
- Maeva, Elena Yu
- Kedzierski, Wladyslaw
- Kim, Eugene Hubert
- Rangan, Chitra
- Rehse, Steven J.
- Rau, Jeffrey
- Xiao, Dan
Affiliate Graduate Faculty:
- Pan, Ming - until April 30, 2027
Full Graduate Faculty:
- Collet-Najem, Tanja
- Jacobs, Heidi
- MacArthur, Michelle
- Rossini, Antonio
- Salvato, Giuliana
- Sevillano Canicio, Victor
- Sinanga-Ohlmann, Judith
- Stevens Abbitt, Erica
- Voronka, Jijian
- Walsh, Lionel