Nibi Debtaagwaad: Third Annual Voice of the Water Symposium

Friday, March 24, 2023 - 10:00 to 15:00



Location: Leddy Library Collaboration Space

Water is the source of life, 84% of North America’s surface fresh water is the great lakes alone. The great lakes is 21% of the world’s supply of fresh water. Indigenous people have always recognized the sacred value of water and has recognized it as its own entity with its own spirit. Indigenous people have always vowed to protect the water and have long advocated for its legal personhood as water walkers and water protectors. Please join Windsor Law in welcoming Indigenous scholars, knowledge keepers and knowledge protectors to Waawiiatanong. 

We are honoured to be hosting speakers such as Tasha Beeds and Elizabeth Osawamick. Hosted by Indigenous Legal Orders Institute and Director Dr. Valarie Waboose.

Register here. 


