Elder in Residence

Wednesday, January 27, 2021 - 14:30 to 16:30

The Elder in Residence offers alternative wellness counselling to law faculty and students on campus. They provide one-on-one guidance sessions to assist with mental, spiritual, emotional and physical health needs from a holistic Indigenous perspective. The Elder helps students maintain life balance while they are in law school and allow students to remain connected to their Indigenous identity or to become connected. The Elder is available to offer understanding and knowledge on Indigenous issues, lifestyles, and perspectives which will assist in realizing the importance of the implementation of The Truth and Reconciliation Call to Action #28 and the return to Indigenous legal tradition and practice. Participants will have access to a compassionate and secure outlet to discuss personal issues.

Meet with the Elder in Residence for discussion on Indigenous Legal Orders, Language, Culture and Traditions. One on one appointments are available, please contact Michelle Nahdee for a time slot.

Location: Online (Blackboard Collaborate)

Register: attend.com/ElderinResidenceJan27

Elder in Residence
