Welcome to Dr. Smith's Web Page

Research and Education classStudents in Research in Education class

You have reached my faculty web site.  On this web site, you will find information on my teaching, research, and service.  Consider perusing my blog, where I reflect on higher education topics that have caught my attention. If you are a prospective graduate student and are interested in any of my research areas, or a researcher and see a possible area for research collaboration, send to me an email, and I will respond to you at my earliest convenience.

I am currently engaged in research in these areas:

  • international student engagement in higher education classrooms
  • mentoring to support teacher candidate development
  • the promising teaching practices for teaching linguistically and culturally diverse international students by identifying the teaching practices that have high levels of international student satisfaction and perceptions of student learning
  • the application of the Strategic Enrolment Management (SEM) model within the Canadian higher education context
  • the sense of belonging for international students at Ontario secondary schools
  • microaggression experienced by international students in postsecondary educational institutions

If you wish to discuss any of this information, feel free to send an email to me at Clayton.Smith@uwindsor.ca.

All the best,

Dr. Clayton Smith 
Professor, Faculty of Education
University of Windsor

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