Andrei Moldovan

Andrei MoldovanMr. Moldovan completed his MA at Windsor in 2007 with the assistance of a University of Windsor International Graduate Student Scholarship. During Winter 2007, he was awarded the John and Anne Cristescu Memorial Scholarship. Since 2009 he has taught philosophy of language at the University of Salamanca, Spain, and Dr. Moldovan obtained his PhD at the University of Barcelona in 2015 with a thesis on the semantics of definite descriptions. He received the 2009 Blair Prize from the Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation for the paper "Pragmatic Considerations in the Interpretation of Denying the Antecedent", and together with Paul Simard-Smith received in again in 2011 for their paper "Arguments as Abstract Objects". Both papers were published in Informal Logic. Other publications include "Carnap’s External Questions and  Semantic Externalism", Prolegomena (13(2), 2014) and "Arguments, Implicatures and Argumentative Implicatures", in Inside Arguments: Logic And The Study Of Argumentation (2012, Cambridge Scholars Publishing).