Promoting Palliative Care Cultural Competency within the Circle of Life

Wednesday, March 27, 2019 - 16:00 to 18:45

Professor Donna Marie Eansor's Teaching Leadership Chair Program presents: "Promoting Palliative Care Cultural Competency within the Circle of Life: Beliefs, Practices, Protocols and Preferences among First Nations Peoples in Canada" with Mona Stonefish, Anishinaabeg Elder, and Audrey Logan BA, Delaware, Moravian-of-the-Thames First Nation.

The primary goal of this presentation is to promote cross-cultural knowledge exchange between First Nations and non-First Nations peoples regarding First Nations lived experiences within the circle of life, and how healthcare personnel can foster positive palliative and death care experiences within mainstream health care settings.

Location: Room 204, Toldo Health Education Building

Open the full event description. 
