News Stories

Law deans' letter to the community on anti-Black racism

We condemn the recent, senseless violence leading to the deaths of Black individuals in the United States and Canada. We grieve the loss of George Floyd, Regis Korchinski-Paquet, Ahmaud Arbery and many additional Black lives. Anti-Black racism is pervasive in Canadian society, including in its universities and law schools. We acknowledge that there has been a history of Anti-Black racism at Windsor Law. 

Professor Reem Bahdi comments on terrorism laws in Maclean's op-ed

Professor Reem Bahdi comments on terrorism laws in a recent Maclean's op-ed. 

“It’s really troubling and puzzling why the court would conclude in Bissonnette’s case that his hatred of Muslims was irrelevant to the fact that he shot Muslims,” says Professor Bahdi.

"[V]iolence associated or perpetuated by Muslims is terrorism. Violence perpetuated against Muslims is not as easily identified as terrorism.”


Law student support suite developed amid COVID-19

In response to COVID-19, Windsor Law has launched a suite of additional student supports including enhanced career service resources, a pandemic-specific emergency bursary program, and 30 new summer opportunities for law students who either lost their summer placements or were unable to secure positions due to the global pandemic.