Community and Advocacy

Creating connections between academia and the community is an important part of AIPARG's work. Here is a brief list of advocacy and community resources that involve Canada.

Safe Place for Pets (Red Rover) is a resource listing pet-friendly domestic violence shelters near you.

Shelter Safe (Women's Shelters Canada) is a clickable map connecting women with the nearest shelter to offer safety, hope, and support.

Ontario Association of Interval and Transition Houses (OAITH) is a coalition of first stage emergency women's shelters, 2nd stage housing organizations and community-based women organizations who work with a mission to end violence against all women,

Ontario Veterinary Medical Association SafePet Program is a program that helps survivors seek safety while ensuring their pet receives veterinary and foster care.

Ontario Native Women’s Association (ONWA) is an organization working to end violence against Indigenous women and their families and ensuring equal access to justice, education, health services, environmental stewardship and economic development.

Sheltering Animals & Families Together (SAF-T) is an initiative guiding domestic violence shelters to house families together with their pets.

Don't Forget the Pets (DFTP) contains useful information for domestic violence shelters interested in developing pet programs. 

Safe Havens for Pets: Guidelines for Programs Sheltering Pets for Women (Dr. Frank R. Ascione, 2000)

The Violence Link initiative of the SASK SPCA (Saskatchewan Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) provides resources on the relationship between animal abuse and interpersonal abuse. 

Purina and RedRover are working in collaboration to bring pet-friendly domestic violence resources including posters for those who may serve as confidantes about abuse. If you know someone who would use these materials, consider downloading the posters at the bottom of this page, sharing, and speaking to these persons about this issue.  Please note: There are US and Canadian versions of the posters, as labelled. French translations of the Canadian posters are forthcoming. 

Aboriginal Shelters of Ontario - is an organization working towards addressing and ending family violence by providing service incorporating traditional Indigenous beliefs.