Discussion Questions for a HyFlex TA and Instructor

Your role as a GA/TA will be determined by your instructor.  It is important to ensure you are very clear about your responsibilities and whether you will be expected to assist with techonology during class time and/or facilitating student interaction during class time nor not.

If you are expected to help during class time, discuss with your Instructor:

  • What platform will the instructor be using?
    • Teams, other?
  • How does your instructor want you to interact with the chat?
    • Answer questions students post?
    • Pass questions on to the instructor?
      • Raise hand at every question? Wait for a predetermined break?
  • What teaching activities is your instructor planning to do in class?
    • Examples: Share screen, show videos, breakout rooms, polls, whiteboard, students turning on microphones on their laptop/mobile device to talk in class
  • Are they planning on using any tools other than Teams during class?
    • Examples: Kahoot, Mentimeter, etc.
  • When will you and the instructor test things out in the classroom? If you will not have use of a HyFlex classroom, you can practice using the mobile cart by booking time through IT Services.
  • What are the instructor’s expectations for your communication with students in the course?
  • How should you notify the instructor in case of an emergency prior to class?
  • Will you have any meetings- in person or virtual - to discuss how things are going during the course?
  • Once you and the instructor are familiar with the classroom and the equipment, discuss who will be setting up what prior to the start of class and discuss testing equipment prior to the start of each class. Keep in mind that although the door may be unlocked for you prior to the class, it is possible that you may need to wait for the instructor to gain access to the room, and this may change over the semester.
  • Add other questions you may have.