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Engineering Materials

The Vision Statement

The Engineering Materials Graduate Program recognizes the close relationship between advanced level education and the advancement of knowledge and is committed to excellence in graduate teaching and research.

The Mission statement

The Engineering Materials Graduate Program is to provide an outstanding learning environment for productive graduate research, to maintain state-of-the-art research laboratories equipped with the most modern research equipment to offer students with opportunities for a rewarding education. To keep self-sustained growth by a high output of student co-authored peer-reviewed research publications, and strengthening collaborative research with other universities and industry. To expose students to challenging industrial problems that are studied using a sound scientific methodology and experimental/theoretical research skills. To prepare students for careers in teaching and/or research in academia or in industry. To train students to acquire autonomy in conducting innovative research.

The Engineering Materials (EM) graduate program is fully accredited by the Council on Quality Assurance of Ontario Universities (previously, Ontario Council on Graduate Studies (OCGS)),

The high caliber of the research activity within the Engineering Materials Program has been a traditional strength of the program. The objective of the program is to continue to provide an outstanding learning environment for productive graduate research. The Engineering Materials faculty members are constantly seeking to attract the best-qualified students to the Master’s and Ph.D. programs, and provide them with fundamental research skills on the processing, microstructures, properties, and performance of materials. We make every effort to provide a stimulating and dynamic learning and research environment that fosters the intellectual development of our students. Close relations with industry expose our students to challenging industrial problems that are studied using a sound scientific methodology and experimental/theoretical research skills. As a result, our MASc.graduates become highly regarded professionals in the materials and manufacturing industries, many assuming leadership positions.

Additionally, the Ph.D. program has the objective of preparing candidates for careers in teaching and/or research in academia or in industry. Students in the Ph.D. program are expected to have acquired autonomy in conducting research and preparing scholarly publications.