Pitt-Ferry building historic facade (closeup)

Research Safety Committee


The Chemical Control Centre (CCC), which works in collaboration with the Research Safety Committee, is a customer-based resource for the acquisition, distribution and disposal of all hazardous materials on campus. It is used by the campus community, students, staff, and faculty. The CCC also provides training, guidance and information on a variety of hazardous materials, regulations and equipment. The CCC works in conjunction with the Research Safety Committee to ensure safe research and teaching practices.

The mission of the CCC is to promote the safe use of hazardous materials by the University community through controlled acquisition, distribution, disposal and training services. Its goal is to help you to successfully conduct teaching and research safely and in compliance with governing regulations. It is effectively your safety resource on campus.

Note that the CCC can often save you time and money by ordering in bulk and combining orders. It also keeps a variety of items in stock for your convenience.

I need to order hazardous materials. What should I do?

All hazardous materials brought into the University of Windsor are required to go through the CCC. The CCC will place the order for you and receive it into the Hazardous Materials Inventory System (HMIS).

If you are a new researcher/customer, you will need to consult the Chemical Stock Room webpage prior to your first order.

For more information on orders, please visit the CCC's Ordering Chemicals webpage.

Available Safety Training

The CCC offers a wide variety of safety training – from autoclave and compressed gas cylinder training to biological safety and radiation training. Many of its training programs are available online. For a complete list of available training offered please visit the Chemical Control Centre Training website. If you are interested in specific training that does not seem to be listed, please speak directly with a CCC staff member. He or she will be happy to help you.

Hours of Operation

The CCC is open Monday through Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm. Note that the CCC is closed for lunch between 12:00 and 1:00pm.

The Chemical Control Centre is located in the basement of Essex Hall, Room B37.

For further information, consult the Chemical Control website.

For information about individuals to contact for specific areas of responsibility, visit the CCC Contact Us page.

For general inquiries, please dial Extension 3523 or email ccc@uwindsor.ca. If you have a specific request, you may also contact directly one of the following parties:

Note: This site is a living document, the goal of which is to improve, in some small way, the working lives of University of Windsor faculty. We are eager to collaborate with the campus community to better this service over time. If you can identify any knowledge gaps, missing resources, or outdated or erroneous information on this site, please contact Iva Gentcheva, Director, Office of the Provost and Faculty Recruitment, without hesitation.