Academic Appeals[+]Respond appropriately to formal academic appeals by students, including grade appeals.Advising Services[+]Refer your students to academic guidance and clarification regarding degree program requirements.Brightspace[+]Learn how to use the University's online Learning Management System
Class Lists, Wait Lists, Grade Collection Sheets & Exam RostersConvocation[+]Gather information about convocation procedures and upcoming sessions. Sign up to volunteer your time to help facilitate our students' convocation experience.Course Add/Drops
Course Auditors[+]Familiarize yourself with University rules for accommodating non-credit students.Course Outlines[+]Ensure your syllabi conform with Senate and departmental requirements.Course Timetable & Room Scheduling
Curriculum Revisions & New Program DevelopmentAcademic Progress Report (formerly: DARS)[+]Familiarize yourself with the component part of the SIS that evaluates a student’s progress towards fulfilling the graduation requirements for a program of study.Examination Procedures
Faculty of Graduate Studies[+]Become eligible to supervise graduate students. Access support in all aspects of graduate education.Grade Submission, Appeal & ApprovalGraduate Assistants & Teaching Assistants[+]Hire and work effectively and appropriately with GAs and TAs
Media & Educational Technologies Team[+]Acquire and access support from A/V and related classroom equipment.Student Course Loads & Overloads
Student Misconduct: Academic[+]Respond appropriate to instances of alleged academic misconductStudent Misconduct: Non-Academic[+]Report an incident of non-academic misconduct by a student.Undergraduate & Graduate Calendars[+]Access comprehensive guides to all programs and courses available at the University of Windsor.
University Secretariat[+]Learn more about University governance, including new program and curriculum development. Access specialized training and orientation.Writing Support Desk[+]Refer your students to free writing help.
Centre for Teaching and Learning[+]Enhance the practice, culture, and scholarship of teaching and learning; integrate effective teaching practices and technologies to extend and enrich learning.CTL Events and Courses[+]Attend an ongoing series of presentations, workshops, and learning communities that focus on learning-centred environments, instructional practice, learning technologies, teaching dossier development, and other issues that impact student engagement and experience.CTL Library[+]Borrow a variety of texts on learning-centred environments, instructional practice, and teaching dossier development, including a complete collection of the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education’s Green Guides.
CTL Links and Resources[+]Browse teaching and learning resources on topics such as instructional practice, curriculum design, and inclusive teaching.Curriculum Services[+]The CTL offers support for creating, enhancing, and reviewing curriculum to ensure an enriching learning experience for students.GATA Network[+]Encourage your Graduate Assistants and Teaching Assistants to develop their skill base.