Saturday, September 30, 2023 - 15:30
Performance Hall, The Armouries, 353 Freedom Way, Windsor
Free and open to the Public
3:30-5pm Teaching the First World War Locally
‘Teaching Canadian History to New Canadians’ John Conlon, Assumption College Catholic High School
‘Poppies, Roses and Grassroots: Publicly Remembering and Honouring Windsor Veterans’ Matt Pritchard, Chimczuk Museum
‘No. 2 Construction Battalion: A Family's Journey’ Barbara Porter, Amherstburg Freedom Museum
4:30-5pm Break
5:30-7pm KEYNOTE
‘Remediation, Trauma, and 'Preposterous History' in They Shall Not Grow Old (Peter Jackson, 2018)’ Robert Burgoyne, University of St. Andrews (retired)