Professor Bill Bogart authors article about a lawsuit to decriminalize drugs

Bill Bogart

Professor Bill Bogart authored a news article published in iPolitics digital newspaper about a lawsuit to decriminalize drugs.

"Treating drug use as a public health issue is a view that is now widely shared," writes Professor Bogart. "The Liberal government has recently received reports from a Task Force that it appointed to examine issues raised by consumption of such drugs. Those reports recommended progression to a comprehensive framework that would include the legalization and regulation of such use with decriminalization as an important step in that direction."

He asks: "Will the Liberal government insist on dragging out the lawsuit as it spends shocking amounts of money defending an indefensible regime of criminalization? What the Liberals should do is act with courage. Of their own accord, and with the support of the NDP, they should do the right thing: settle this case and repeal laws that have left a trail of misery and death in their wake for far too long. They should then take up the recommendations of their own Task Force and finally legalize-regulate drugs."