Laverne Jacobs

Assoc. Dean Laverne Jacobs comments on mandatory mask policies

In recent media interviews, Associate Dean (Research & Graduate Studies) Laverne Jacobs commented on mandatory mask mandates as they relate to accessibility concerns for vulnerable populations. 

Dr. Jacobs said many people with disabilities fear that they'll be asked to share their health history with a stranger every time they enter a store in order to “prove” they fall into an exempted category.

Law deans' letter to the community on anti-Black racism

We condemn the recent, senseless violence leading to the deaths of Black individuals in the United States and Canada. We grieve the loss of George Floyd, Regis Korchinski-Paquet, Ahmaud Arbery and many additional Black lives. Anti-Black racism is pervasive in Canadian society, including in its universities and law schools. We acknowledge that there has been a history of Anti-Black racism at Windsor Law. 

Law student support suite developed amid COVID-19

In response to COVID-19, Windsor Law has launched a suite of additional student supports including enhanced career service resources, a pandemic-specific emergency bursary program, and 30 new summer opportunities for law students who either lost their summer placements or were unable to secure positions due to the global pandemic.

Assoc. Dean Jacobs receives Accessibility Award

On Thursday May 23th, 2019 Assisted Living Southwestern Ontario (ALSO) in partnership with the University of Windsor, St. Clair College, the City of Windsor and the Amherstburg Accessibility Advisory Committee presented the 4th Windsor-Essex Accessibility Awards. The annual event recognizes individuals, organizations and businesses who have made a difference in creating a more accessible community for people with disabilities, acquired brain injuries and seniors.