MSc Thesis Proposal "Prediction of Pancreatic Cell Types Using a Heterophilic Graph Neural Network on Single-cell RNA-Sequencing Data" By: Lian Duan

Friday, October 6, 2023 - 11:00
The School of Computer Science is pleased to present…
Prediction of Pancreatic Cell Types Using a Heterophilic Graph Neural Network on Single-cell RNA-Sequencing Data

MSc Thesis Proposal by:

Lian Duan

Date: Friday, October 6th, 2023

Time: 11:00 AM-12:00pm

Location: Essex Hall Room 122



Graph neural networks (GNNs) have gained increasing popularity as a powerful tool for node classification in complex networks, among other tasks. However, the traditional design of GNNs assumes homophily, where connected nodes have similar class labels and features. In the real world, it is common for connected nodes to have different class labels and dissimilar features, a scenario known as heterophily, which can affect the performance of GNNs. To address this issue, recent studies have proposed paradigms to enhance the representation power of GNNs under heterophily. These methods include higher-order neighborhoods, ego- and neighbor-embedding separation, and the combination of intermediate representations. However, it is unclear whether these proposed approaches are effective in real-world datasets, especially in single-cell RNA sequencing field, with high heterophily. In this study, we designed a pipeline to process single-cell RNA sequencing data of pancreatic cells from a healthy human donor in the Baron Human Pancreas dataset and feed the data into multiple GNNs models to predict cell types. Our early experiments show that H2GCN, incorporating the proposed methods, outperforms all other GNN models on the Baron Human Pancreas dataset, including GCN, GAT, GraphSAGE, and MixHop.


Thesis Committee:

Internal Reader: Dr. Jianguo Lu  

External Reader: Dr. Brian DeVeale         

Advisor: Dr. Luis Rueda