Wednesday, April 3, 2024 - 16:00
Technical Workshop Series
A Component-Based Analysis for Online Proctoring
Presenter: Salma Aly
Date: Wednesday, April 3, 2024
Time: 4:00 pm
Location: 4th Floor (Workshop space) at 300 Ouellette Avenue (School of Computer Science Advanced Computing Hub)
The switch to online learning due to the COVID-19 revealed flaws in the existing learning methods, especially with online proctored assessments. Hence, online proctoring using computers was needed for a fair evaluation. Many studies develop cheating detection systems using several approaches. However, to the best of our knowledge, none of the existing studies investigated the impact of their system components in detecting cheating behaviors. Combining system components, even if they do not significantly improve the system performance in cheating detection, can cause an overload on the system. Therefore, it is needed to investigate the system components’ impact, individually and combined, on cheating cue detection system accuracy.
Workshop Outline:
Discussing the challenges in the existing online education system.
Introducing the online proctoring platform, Dr. Proctor.
Introducing the proposed method for online proctoring system analysis.
View the proposed method’s results.
Discuss possible future directions.
Basic knowledge of Machine Leaning models.
Salma Aly is currently pursuing her PhD at the University of Windsor. Her research interests are Generative Ai, IoT testing, and cybersecurity. She received her M.Sc. in computer science from The American University in Cairo, Egypt in 2022. Her masters were focused on artificial intelligence (AI). Salma started working in the industry after she received her bachelor’s. She worked as an intelligent automation engineer, python developer and digital marketing data analyst.