Colloquium Presentation " Advanced, HPC, and Cloud Computing for Research" By. Mr. Paul Preney

Friday, September 29, 2023 - 11:00

The School of Computer Science at the University of Windsor is pleased to present…


Colloquium Presentation by Mr. Paul Preney


Advanced, HPC, and Cloud Computing for Research



Date: Friday, September 29, 2023

Time: 11:00am – 12:00pm

Location: Erie Hall Room 3123

Reminders: 1. Two-part attendance mandatory (sign-in sheet, QR Code) 2. Arrive 5-10 minutes prior to event starting - LATECOMERS WILL NOT BE ADMITTED. Note that due to demand, if the room has reached capacity, even if you are "early" admission is not guaranteed. 3. Please be respectful of the presenter by NOT knocking on the door for admittance once the door has been closed whether the presentation has begun or not (If the room is at capacity, overflow is not permitted (ie. sitting on floors) as this is a violation of the Fire Safety code). 4. Be respectful of the decision of the advisor/host of the event if you are not given admittance. The School of Computer Science has numerous events occurring soon



The University of Windsor is a founding member of SHARCNET, now a consortium of 20 Ontario academic institutions, which provides high performance computing clusters, storage, and cloud resources and services to its researchers. SHARCNET is also part of Compute Ontario which is part of the Digital Research Alliance of Canada (formerly Compute Canada). Collectively these organizations work together to seamlessly provide Canadian researchers access to compute clusters, storage, and clouds to do high-performance, advanced, and cloud computing research. This presentation will introduce and explain these services, how such can be accessed and used by researchers and their students and will discuss aspects about this year's Resource Allocation Competition (RAC) applications.



Mr. Preney has an Honours B.Sc. (Biology and Computer Science); M.Sc. (Computer Science); B.Ed. (Teachables: Biology and Computer Science); and is an Ontario Certified Teacher (OCT). He is also a member of the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) Mirror Committee to SMC/JTC 1/SC 22 (Programming languages) and is a Subject Matter Expert of the SCC Mirror Cmte to SMC/JTC 1/SC 22/WG 21 (C++). He has taught courses at the secondary level and as a sessional instructor in Computer Science and Education at the University of Windsor. Mr. Preney is currently the University of Windsor on-campus SHARCNET staff person for supporting researchers and their high-performance, advanced, storage, and cloud computing needs.