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News Stories

LTEC Lab hosts e-commerce panel

Windsor Law's Law and Technology Lab (LTEC Lab) hosted a panel of experts on Wednesday, February 6.

E-commerce is becoming the norm for the vast majority of consumers. Goods and services can be advertised, ordered and delivered through powerful algorithms that standardize transactions while also personalizing the customer experience in unprecedented ways. Associate Professor Pascale Chapdelaine moderated the panel. 

Expert penelists: 

Prof. Kalajdzic and former dean Cameron experts on ALRC's Academic Panel

The Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) issued a major report on class actions which the Attorney General tabled on January 24, 2019. The ALRC’s study included significant reform recommendations.

Two Canadians served on the Academic Expert Panel: Windsor Law professor Jasminka Kalajdzic and former dean Camille Cameron. 

Windsor Law students join march for women’s rights

Windsor Law students and members of Women of Colour Legal Alliance of Windsor attended the cross-border Women’s March in Windsor on Thursday, Jan. 17.

A vigil of light and love took place on both sides of the Detroit River in solidarity with women and human rights groups around the world.