Ed Lumley Centre for Engineering Innovation

Lancer Engineering Camps 

The Faculty of Engineering will be hosting its annual UWindsor Engineering Summer camps for ages 8 to 12 in person. Times and dates for Summer 2024 have not been released yet. 

During registration, campers will be divided by age: 8 – 9 (for the morning session) and 10 – 12 (for the afternoon session). They will be introduced to a variety of engineering-related concepts, which can include aerodynamics, forces and motion, fluid dynamics, material strength, and the design process. On each day campers will be participating in a different hands-on activity building their own design using a variety of common items to illustrate these concepts. This is a full-day camp in which the educational portion is a half day that will take place in our-state-of-the art engineering building on campus, the Ed Lumley Centre for Engineering Innovation (CEI). The other half of the day will include outdoor activities and swimming at the St. Denis Centre.


Registration for 2025 Lancer Engineering Summer Camps will open the week of April 7, 2025. Please check back for more details. 

Lancer Engineering Summer Camps dates for the 2025 season are: July 14-July 18 & July 28- August 1. 

More Information

For more information, please contact Mike Konstantino, the Engineering Outreach Coordinator, at mikek@uwindsor.ca.