This section provides a listing of frequently asked questions for departments related to student appointments.
Please visit our website to find information about the types of student appointments to determine which one is applicable for your department and position. Go to the Student Appointments section of the Human Resources website for details.
If a student is being hired for the first time, or if it has been more than one year since the student worked at the University, please direct them to the Student Appointments section of the Human Resources website which outlines the required hiring documentation the student will need to submit through UWinsite People. The student should provide the required documentation at their earliest opportunity following your hiring decision. Students cannot start work until the hiring appointment process is complete.
If it has been less than one year since the student last worked at the University, and all legal documents remain current/valid, the students does not need to provide any additional documentation to Human Resources.
NOTE: Please do not collect hire package documents from students as they contain personal information and is no longer the practice with UWinsite People. The student hiring information and documents should be provided throught UWinsite People.
The process has changed with UWinsite People, updated hiring infornation will be provided by January 6.
Department is sending the Authorization to Hire Form for a student appointment, please send it as early as possible to so that it can be processed in a timely manner. Please note that students cannot start work until the student hiring process is complete.
You can find details and forms on the Student Appointments section of the Human Resources website.
A graduate/undergraduate student can work up to a maximum of 24 hours per week across all positions they hold. Please visit the Graduate Studies website for more information.
The student may be able to exceed the above maximum hours if on a scheduled break from their program. Please contact Human Resources at to confirm eligibility.
A student can be hired for a maximum of one year (12 months) at a time.
If you wish to extend the student appointment after one year, additional hiring documentation will be required which will vary depending on the type of position.
Please note that students must be registered for classes (full-time, part-time or graduate) to be eligible to work for the University unless they are on a scheduled break from classes (e.g. summer break) OR they are part of a recognized experiential learning program where the program is in that term.
Please send the Authorization to Hire a Student from before 4:30 pm on the Friday before the student pay deposit in order for the form to be processed in time. Please send the form(s) to Human Resources as soon as possible to minimize processing delays. As there are different timelines for other categories of student positions, you can find instructions provided on the Student Appointments section of the Human Resources website.
Inquiries regarding student appointments can be directed by email to
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